Friday, May 13, 2005


Looks like after all my cleaning up of my room, my brother and my mom both are kind of in the cleaning mood. Our house is every so slightly getting cleaner and cleaner and for those that have seen it lately know that that is quite the accomplishment.

I was going to take pictures of my room today to post on here but turns out the digital is out with my dad somewhere. Instead I decided to organize the crap out in the hallway [since most of it is mine that I moved from my room] so that we can either throw it out, move it somewhere else :P or donate/give away. Already we've donated a few giant bags full of clothes to the Cerebral Palsy Association and we still have more we could. I also started to organize my mp3s and delete some other crap lingering around on my hard drive. My MSN chat logs alone take up 61.57mbs. Not much but for just text that's pretty hefty. I think it's time to delete some sometime. For now I'm clearing out my drawers in my desk so I can eventually use them. My closet however is another story.

PS: This is far long overdue.

Where'd I go?

This was posted up on my door on my dry-erase board in Waterloo by Mike (Yat-Fai) K. who lived down the hall. Apparently I had disappeared and he was right. lol

Mike enjoys soccer, more specifically Liverpool as you can see him parading around the GTA in red. He also enjoys playing video games such as Half-Life 2 and SW:KOTOR and playing his guitar. He is a big fan of Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and when he first met me he thought I was gay.

Apparently "No straight man is that fashionable."

Nothing homosexualness, Mike.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric you've done me proud, good job lad. :)

- Mike

Fri May 13, 07:53:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Jess said...

Eric didn't you know that Mike has a girlfriend? He doesn't need his bio posted on the internet, he's not that desperate.

Fri May 13, 08:32:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes i do!

lol jk.

I just want to be the Most Blogged About Man in S2.. it's my only goal in life.


Ps. I love You

Pss. Thats also the name of a song.

Sat May 14, 03:45:00 PM EDT  

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