Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Ever have one of those days that just doesn't feel good? Even when nothing really goes wrong? Sometimes you just feel as though you have no reason to show the world you're happy. Conserve your energy I suppose, but then it just brings yourself down even more and for no reason at all. Then it brings others down and then it's an endless cycle of being all flat expressioned.

I suppose everyone always has to feel different all the time or else there would be no point for emotions. Shrug.

At the moment, my biggest issue is I don't have a home that I can call "home", except for of course in Calgary. I can't stand my place anymore, little things just annoy me. I don't know what made me choose this place but I'm regretting it. It could be worse, I've seen many far worse, but it just seems everyone and anyone lives in a much nicer place, even if the people they live with aren't enjoyable. It's easier to escape people than it is a place you care nothing for.

That brings me to expensive housing. Waterloo has a lack of affordable housing and it pisses me off. I'm not even paying for it myself but that doesn't mean I should go find the most expensive place possible.

That note leads to the saying, "Money doesn't buy happiness.". Right. Sure it can't buy everlasting happiness, but it'll keep you going that's for sure.
Seeing as winning the lottery is a far fetch, I guess I just have to keep chipping away at my school work so I can have a good job later.

It seems though that I'm not chipping away hard enough. First term of first year it felt like I did no work at all and becuase of it I fell behind and was failing until I pulled everything up with exams. Even so, I feel as though I did so much more work. I did so much more reading [even though it was close to none] and so much more practice work.

I want to get into Optometry, but it just seems like I'm not trying hard enough. I don't know why...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Eric, keep your head up!! My housing situation isn't the best as well, I have to take care of my drunken roomate many a times. Miss you man, can't wait to see you at Christmas.


Wed Nov 02, 08:06:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poverty doesn't buy happiness.

Fri Nov 04, 04:40:00 PM EST  
Blogger E said...

Nobody said it does.

Fri Nov 04, 06:16:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop whinning, panda bitch. Your house isnt that bad. you just need to clean it a bit, like eneryone else does. and for work, im sure you have plenty of time to do it cause i never see you anymore and i know people taking the same classes as you and they dont seem to be the hardest courses in the world. so, do your work. and you know what you dont have to worry about expenses so stop thinking about it.

Thu Nov 17, 12:01:00 AM EST  

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