Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hole away from home.

So it looks like I'm not coming home. No one has taken my room or even expressed interest so I'll be spending Spring/Summer term in Waterloo. I'll be coming home for about a week after exams though which will be nice but then it's back to school with perhaps a few classes, or just one. It'll be interesting being on campus when it's nice out though. Hopefully a good job picks me up although at the moment I've only applied to one [at RIM though *pray*]. Hopefully there are some fun clubs in the summer. I'm looking forward to archery in the summer. My friends Mike and Fraser are here for summer terms so with the free time I'll probably have hopefully I'll get to hang out with them too.

That's all for now.


Blogger Justin said...

You've caused me a season of pain.

Wed Mar 22, 02:39:00 AM EST  
Blogger Gumbi said...

"We need you. Hell, I need you. I'm a mess without ya. I miss you so damn much. I miss being with you. I miss being near you! I miss your laugh! I miss - I miss your scent. I miss your musk. When this all gets sorted out, I think you and me should get an apartment together."
- Champ Kind [Anchorman]

Thu Mar 23, 05:29:00 PM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

"I think you need to stop talking"

Fri Mar 24, 04:01:00 AM EST  

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