Saturday, July 22, 2006

Of the sea.

So a random thought came to mind.

If you know me well, you know that I hate insects with a passion. I can't stand them. Fuck. Anyway, back to my point. I saw a Lobster Fest commercial for Red Lobster and it made me think. Lobsters and shrimp are like the insects of the sea... BUT THEY'RE SO GOOOOOD! mmm tasty.

Fuckin' bugs...


I saw Pirates with Jessica tonight. Yarrr! Undead pirates are sweet.

One more for good measure. Yarrr!


Blogger Gumbi said...

So i am workin on this bike today. and i was unscrewing the valve cap to fill up the tires, and i notice come thing hanging in the spokes.

So i spin the wheel and i'm about to grab it and then i realized it was a Fucking spider. I mean this bitch was like the sixe of a quarter.

So i had a transparent container and i grabed it with some pliers and took it around to show everyone.

Then my co0workers decided it was time to set it on fire.

Roasted Spider anyone?

Sat Jul 22, 07:46:00 PM EDT  

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