Monday, May 16, 2005

Timmy Ho's

Woke up, watched X-Men 2, Jeff messaged me to eat, showered and got dressed [6:30PM], headed to Nazi Wendy's [explained here]. Went to Jeff's, shot his BB gun with laser pointer, shot some zombiesm called up people to no avail. Got Kevin, went to my house, watched Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels [awesome], got Justin and Mike, headed to THE WORST TIM HORTON'S EVER. No Iced Caps, no double chocolate cheesecake "Oooooohhhh!" things, no sandwiches, French Vanilla is not acceptable as a free "donut" tab, nor is a chocolate cinnamon bun-like thing for a donut. Fuckin' bastards. But the guy was cool, he was like an asian, "What size coffee would you like? Small, medium, large, extra large... I would exploit this as much as possible and get the extra large." "Do you want that coke in a can or bottle? The bottle is bigger." Anyway, hung out there for a few hours. Then I dropped people off, picked up gas, forgot to put the stupid gas cap in, lol. That gas cap is the best fucking gas cap. It stayed on the trunk for a good while.

Anyway, I'm tired and I drank an extra large hot chocolate without my pills. Shit. In more ways than one.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgetting the gas cap, geez Eric, even I'm better than pumping gas than you, and I'm a girl :P

Mon May 16, 02:13:00 PM EDT  

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