Tuesday, November 29, 2005

American Thanksgiving

Well, that's another thing on my list of things I've done.

This Sunday was the first time I had celebrated American Thanksgiving because our good friend Sydney is, you guessed it, American! lol

We were invited over to Katie's and Sydney's where they worked hard to feed us all 13 or 14 or so. It was the first time most of us had all been in the same place since residence. It felt like good old times. The food was amazing, especially since Katie was in the kitchen. (jk Katie, we all love ya) Not to mention desserts, mmmm, cake and those rice krispie squares. yum yum yum.

After dinner Jessica and I went to Scott, Fraser's, Yam's, and Mat's house to play N64 for a "few" hours. lol Good times all around.

Mike K. you shoulda come down.

Thanks girls for the fun night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats awesome that you got to celebrate the holiday! We had all last week off and had lots of turkey so that was pretty sweet. Anways I hope things are going well talk to you soon.


Tue Nov 29, 05:56:00 PM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

I hate to tell you this, but the lines that run diagonal on your page cause eye strain. And when I scroll the page, the lines twitch.

Sat Dec 03, 07:20:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Score! I was mentioned in a blog, and as for the cooking comment, I am coming along just fine thank you :P I also had a lot of supervision that day, and made sure that when using the sharp knives, I was only left with them for a few seconds. Haha, I was put on cake duty because I was peeling potatoes, but we only had one peeler, so I decided to use a knife. That was quickly kyboshed by both (my) Eric and Syd, so cake it was!! I'm so glad that you could come!! It was a ton of fun, and something that we are going to have to do next year. My only question is, when are all of you going to cook for Syd and I? :)


Sat Dec 03, 09:41:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I spelt my own name wrong. I am such a tool.


Sat Dec 03, 09:42:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet!! we were mentioned in your blog! well, my life is complete now!
PS...im only half american...so i only half suck! :)

Mon Dec 05, 04:55:00 PM EST  
Blogger Gumbi said...

I had celebrated some thanksgiving too. Heck i'll take turkey whenever i can get it.

P.S> My rents are looking forward to loving you more then me when you get back. you jerk

Fri Dec 09, 12:02:00 AM EST  

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