Monday, May 08, 2006


I almost went a month without blogging. Funny that. It's approaching the two year mark for this blog and it went from multiple posts in a day to once a month.
My the times have changed.

Let's see, what happened since my last post.

Well, I finished all my exams and my marks have all come back. Winter term turned out to be 75.75% which is no improvement but no drop. My GPA is a sad 74.776, a 0.224% off of the 75% minimum I need to apply to optometry [not that one would get in with a 75%].

I went home for a week which was a much needed break. I got to see a few of my friends but it was a busy week. I spent a lot of time with my family and with my brother Ian who just finished his last year of school. He's got a job with a nice company so he's off in the right direction. Who knows if he'll be living at home still by the time I get to go back home again. I got to go shooting with Justin, Dickie, and Jeff but this time at the outdoor range outside of Calgary. It was friggin' sweet and I'm sad I'm missing out on all the fun they'll have this summer.

I'm back in Waterloo for the Spring/Summer term all the way until Christmas [where I get to go home for another week]. I'm taking two courses, one I'm repeating because I did poorly the first time around [but passed], and the second is for fun and hopefully to boost my GPA. That course is German 101. So far so good. It's actually the first course I've actually had fun learning.

So far I have no job. Frankly it's a pain in the ass being away from home to look for a job. There isn't much to choose from around here within a short distance [for I have no car and the transit system is terrible... of course compared to Calgary's].

The saddest part is Jessica is going home for the summer. At first we thought she had a job lined up for the last half of the summer but the lady never seems to get back to her so now she's off home and I'm all alone.

Maybe the next post will be sooner...


Blogger E said...

I don't consider myself, or even want to be, romantically together with you.

Tue May 09, 02:39:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Justin said...

He's got me.

Back off.

Wed May 10, 10:08:00 PM EDT  

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