Saturday, July 29, 2006


FUCK. So, I've always been someone that reacts quite severely to mosquitos [not like, death severe, just crazy-ass, giant, swelling, a-few-times-kind-of-debilitating, bites]. I'm about to go to bed and my elbow starts to itch a little and then I realize I've been bit. So I'm like, "dammit." Then about fifteen seconds later I start itching on my back, my side, my neck. Now I'm just pissed right off.

So they're itching like I took a bath in fibreglass and they swelled within seconds of being bit [some good quarter sized ones, toonie sized ones, fun stuff.] I decide to go to sleep so I don't have to deal with the itching. Instead I get fucking attacked by this ninja mosquito again. Once on my other elbow, and on the fucking chin. Now I look like I've been sprayed by CS gas or something [not really, but a good exaggeration].

With my luck the next thing I'll know I'll be convulsing in my room in two days because that fucking ninja-mosquito had West Nile. The rate the Ontario Government keeps slamming those West Nile public service announcements you would think I should have it by now.

Eight bites later I've now drenched myself in Off!. That fucker will probably bite me on my scalp or on the bottom of my feet while I'm sleeping. I hope that/those bug[s] die[s] a horrible death.

Fuckin' bugs.


Blogger Richard Shih said...

Somehow it's comforting that I didn't take your place now. Then again, I'm still house-less for the Fall. Eugh.

Personally I would've gone nuts and I wouldn't have slept till I killed the bugger.

Sun Jul 30, 08:50:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Justin said...

You were one PVC-pipe flamethower away from a peaceful nights sleep. Why not?

Tue Aug 01, 12:13:00 AM EDT  

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