Monday, August 07, 2006

It's always better on holiday

So I finished my last exam on the 31st. Hopefully both the exams I had for the term went well to boost me into the "acceptable minimum average" to apply to Optometry. Of course, that means I need to do well this next bitch of a term [pardon the language]. The exams felt fine, more Bio than German. We'll see.

Now I've had nothing to do, although Jessica got the week off work so we've been spending time together hanging out. We went to Wonderland on Wednesday which was AWESOME. Last time, and only time, that I had ever been to Wonderland was when I was too small to go on anything/remember anything. It was sweltering, but the waterpark was great. It was the first time I have ever been able to go on a water slide in a inner tube and not have the risk of drowning at the end [for those that don't know, I am swimming inept]. I was like a little kid in a candy shop.

This summer I plan on playing a few video games [what I can on this piece of junk], finishing off Nineteen-Eighty-Four, and perhaps some reading to get ahead for the upcoming term. Oh, and cleaning my room up/packing whatever I won't need for the next few weeks.

My lease ends on the 27th so I must be out before then. Residence will only allow me to move myself in on the 1st of September, however they are allowing me to move my things earlier. That leaves me 5 days of homelessness. Not really, Jessica's grandma has offered up a room. I can't wait to move. I'm sick of this dump [although it's more what's in it that makes it a dump than it itself]. :P

Jessica and I were bored today so we made some dollar store art. We bought some cheap canvases and paint. I'll post pics someday. I think it turned out nice for 5 bucks. I kind of wish to make some more during this summer. I have also taken up making a hollow book. Don't ask me why, I just feel like doing it.

Anyway, that is all for now.


Blogger Justin said...

Why the fuck would I pardon the goddamn language, dumbass?

Hollow book would be cool. Are you just going to manually glue the pages together??? I have no idea how it's "supposed" to work.

Mon Aug 07, 02:39:00 AM EDT  

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