Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My goal of finishing this lab report by midnight wasn't very successful. It's 1:42AM and I'm not done. I don't want to sacrifice more sleep for a pretty useless report. I'm not one to not hand things in as I feel losing marks being late is just plain stupid. You don't always get to "hand things in late" in real life so I figure I should get things done when they're told to be done.

I hate it when people defer exams or ask for extensions. Everyone else is subjected to the same due dates.

Anyway, time to sleep. Gotta get up, go to class, then try to finish this lab report up before class starts again. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to stay awake through all my classes... as hard as I try. Another double-whammy now that I think about it... three hours of class tomorrow will be on things that will be on the two midterms on Tuesday. Gah.

Ironically this is one time where I honestly think skipping out on writing this report would have been worth it. Unfortunately I've put in all this time already I might as well finish it.

Goodnight. (or good morning?)


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