Sunday, November 25, 2007

Home stretch... sort of

Nothing new really in the past few weeks. Finished a couple more midterms and a lab final.

This week peaks with two midterms back to back on Thursday with a lab report due Wednesday and the Dean's Honour List banquet. I worked hard for my free meal so I'm going, even if I have midterms the next day. Tomorrow is another lab final as well. Basically it's my busiest week and then classes end. My final exam period is actually going to be more relaxing than any other time of the term. With only three finals (7th, 14th, and 20th) I should have plenty of time to relax and study and do stellar on the exams.

No update really on optometry school for me yet. I need to get my ass into gear for ICO and PCO which I still haven't completed the process yet... I feel like I'm destroying my chances every day I wait. NECO and SUNY applications have gone out for awhile but I believe SUNY is still waiting on some references...

In other news, I kind of feel like crap. A sort of "unhealthy" feeling that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe just under the weather today.

So here is looking to Thursday when the brunt of the term is over. I fly home the 23rd of December. Not really too sure what to think about going home. I've been away so long it doesn't really feel like home almost. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see the family, but it's the other people that seem to change when you don't see them face to face. I've lost touch. Others have lost touch. There's a reason it's called "losing touch" because you aren't physically close enough.

These days I look forward to go home only because it means I don't have to worry about what midterm is coming up next or what assignment is due. At home I have time to wake up and enjoy not having any plans or obligations to do anything whatsoever. I can play video games all day, watch TV shows and movies. I have my peace.

However, peace is something that I've acquired without knowing it. I went through primary and secondary school with an abundance of friends. I still believe I have an abundance of friends, most likely and realistically less than before. I can't turn on and off the "friend" label like I have a choice but it seems to happen. I don't communicate much and I know that. That has always been me. I don't make small talk and I don't inquire if I don't need to know. It's my burden and I'll live with it. Plain as day. If others choose not to accept it, I guess it's my loss. You can't be the one to lose if you made the choice to give it up.

Another late-night ramble. Coherency is not a strong point during late night blogging. As always whenever I post I think, "I need to do this more often. It feels good to put into words what I'm feeling." yet weeks go by with nothing.

I didn't start this blog hoping that people would swarm to it and read bits and pieces of my life. I started it for myself - I just happened to let anyone in the world see it. I guess it's a little less strange for me than keeping a 'journal'.

Whatever. I'm tired. Sum it up: nothing new, very busy this week, this year feels like the least I want to go home.



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