Friday, December 31, 2004

Closing time...

Well, I feel I've already rung in the New Year. lol

Yesterday I headed out to dinner with my dad and my brothers to the Regency Palace downtown where we had some good eats. I made use of the last time for awhile that I can have lobster... mmm mmm.

So along with a sweet dinner I got dropped off at The Roadhouse where I met Vanessa and Jordan [minus a sickly Sarah lol], and shortly thereafter, Megan, Nicole, Shannon, and Hannah. Like always [well, everytime I go to clubs] it was Ladies night so Jordan and I headed to the bar while the girls enjoyed their "entertainment" lol. Anyway, fast forward. A riot of a night on the dancefloor [lol Vanessa] [and on the platform haha] where we also bumped into Brittany B. Ah, fun times at the clubs.

Well, tonight should be a good relaxing New Years. I'm sure there are some people that are done for the year lol. So anyway, hope everyone had an awesome year full of interesting happenings, I know I did. A thumbs up to 2004.

Happy New Year to all my friends; in the West and the East, homies. lol jk, I mean in Calgary and Waterloo.


Blogger Mike said...

Man you so gansta.

Fri Dec 31, 05:54:00 PM EST  

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