Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I surprise myself.

I really do.

Take the previous entry for an example, I didn't expect myself to say all that at all... :P I read it and sometimes it seems like I don't know how to say anything.

Anyway, my grad belt was one surprise. $283.55 It was my birthday and I needed a nice belt for grad. I wasn't going to wear my Volcom belt with my suit. :P That's so tacky. That belt comes with good memories too though.

Today was a surprise, I spent a total of $299.60 in the span of about nine hours. [That's about $33.29 an hour or a good week at my old job.] No, it's not my birthday today. I guess my urge of wanting nicer clothes and I guess not being in the best of moods but also having fun with friends is the reason why I would go and buy so much stuff. Besides, how many times can you find nice clothes at 50% off?

My wardrobe has been upgraded with the following items:

1 dark blue dress shirt with white pinstripes. Includes matching tie.
1 light blue dress shirt with white pinstripes. Includes matching tie.
1 black long sleeve fitted T-shirt.
1 white long sleeve fitted T-shirt.
4 varied pinstriped black dress pants.
1 belt.

Sub-Total: $263.00

I bought the following items of food:

2 Hard Shell Tacos with sour cream
Sushi [split amongst six]

Sub-Total: $17.98
Mid-Total: $280.98
Tax 7.00%: $18.62
TOTAL: $299.60

I wanted a red dress shirt with black pinstripes from Le Chateau but there wasn't any sale on it... $55.90. Well, I guess there was a lot of other things I wanted but didn't get.

Anyway, I'm friggin' tired and now I also have to deal with being double-booked on Thursday night... Frig'.

Ugh... why?


Blogger Justin said...

Double meanings are fun.

I only spent $130ish today. Mmmm mmm 6 taco's.
And fuck work, I could have bought some sweet shit. Fuck.

Wed Dec 29, 04:26:00 AM EST  
Blogger Gumbi said...

(Posting from my uncle's DIAL-UP laptop in my grandma's kitchen in Sacramento, California.)

So, I have read your past posts and crap. Werd to my Emo Woo... You and i both know that you are the best dressed Eric that i know.

I kinda did the same thing.

I found this kick ass store here and it has all sorts of brands and styles that i love.

So i went and got a:

Vans Emo Sweater
White with grey and pink striped dress shirt.
Belt buckel - Shaped like one of those "Hello, My name is" Name tags

I gotta say that when worn together i looks emo and fuckin koo.

I think you need to go out and buy your self sometimes.

Fri Dec 31, 01:05:00 AM EST  

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