Monday, February 21, 2005

Don Woo

Dear Eric,

Thank you for your recent application and expressed interest in a Don position for the upcoming Fall 2005 and/or Winter 2006 term(s) at the University of Waterloo. I regret to advise you that you have not been selected for a personal interview. If you have an opportunity to re-apply in the future, please do not hesitate in doing so.

Thanks again for your keen interest.

Son of a bitch. lol Oh well. I guess that solves what I'm doing next year. I'm disappointed I didn't get to be a Don but the I guess the chances were slim seeing as a record number of people had applied this term along with being a first year student. Oh well, and I even got praise from other Dons which just made this even more disappointing.

Now to look forward to living in a house instead of a cell.


Blogger Gumbi said...

Well Mr. Woo, Youe A-OK in my books

Mon Feb 21, 09:06:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eric you suck.

Tue Mar 01, 02:53:00 PM EST  

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