Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Birthday Long Weekend

Ah, that's what I love about my birthday, it's always, or atleast really close, to being on a long weekend. Although, this year it didn't matter seeing as I don't have a job or anything yet [still]. No luck with the resumes... :P I spend my time cleaning up :O. Shocking.

Anyway, long time no update. So for my birthday, Justin, Sandra, John "Dai Lo""Boss", and Alex D. invited me along to go for "lunch" downtown at a Vietnamese place by Harry Hay's. John as usual tried to touch me. I can't help it if I'm that irresistable, even to the men. [Don't touch me.] After that we headed to TD Square or whatever the hell that place is actually called now, the downtown mall, and headed to Pinstripe, a suit store with an unbelievable deal. Starting from $169.99 you can get a full suit, a free shirt, free tie, free socks, free shoes. Like, wtf? Yeah.

After that I headed up to New Dynasty where I met Ian, my dad, my grandparents who were out here from Kingston, and my Aunt and Uncle with my two cousins. It was hard to eat being so full from a late lunch, but I managed to stuff food down. Saw Mike H. working and he got us all our drinks free, thank you very much. After we headed to our Aunt's and we played with the kids for awhile.

Sure tired me out, but we still headed out to Shawn's [Sean?] for a small party with John, Justin, Alex D, and Mike H with a short appearance of Brendan. Some good times, lots of spilling of liquids.

Yesterday, on Victoria Day [May 23], Jeff, Kevin and I headed to Nottingham's. I was DD so it was bound to be a fun night. Four pitchers, 30+ song, some food, and tons of popcorn and pop later we headed out. Not before we played some pool though. Alright, picture this, Kevin is lining up a shot on one corner to the complete opposite corner. Jeff hits Kevin's cue and as drunk as Kevin is, he can't hold on. The cue smashing the cue ball into the ball he was aiming for, they both sink, and then the cue flies through the air almost impaling me in the crotch. After that, the cue ball somehow got lost in the pool table and never came out. Good times. Oh,and about a completely different shot, this is for Jeff, "I could have made that shot with a shot of heroin up the ass." I'm sure you could have. lol

Once we were kicked out at about 3:45 [we left a good tip] we tried to find food. With no luck we went on some crazy adventures, some of which they may not remember. There was no P-Cupping but just as good, but not by me haha.

On a last note, you know those little construction signs with the blinky things on top? Those are cool.


Blogger Gumbi said...

""I could have made that shot with a shot of heroin up the ass." I'm sure you could have. lol"

I can't remember what that was about. Frick, i just remembered some of the shinaginas.... Frick...

Tue May 24, 08:49:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Justin said...

Fuck Kevin almost nailed me in the nuts once in pool also.

Blinkey road signs. Yes. They blink bright. Especially at night. On peoples door steps. Yes…

Wed May 25, 05:38:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol sounds like you had a grand ol gay time.

- Mike

Ps. I Love You

Sun May 29, 02:18:00 PM EDT  

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