Tuesday, May 31, 2005

More importantly....


I'm wasting my days. I need something productive to do. It's crossed my mind to just randomly clean up the rest of the house. Afterall it's something to do that has a noticeable "reward". The numerous applications and resumes I've put in seem to have done nothing for me. I don't know what else to do. I've applied to pretty much any optical place that I would have any chance of getting a job [some where I know I wouldn't have a chance too]. I've also applied to Super Drug Mart, so far nothing, but hopefully Jamie's mom's good words may help me out. Who knows.

An unrelated topic. University has changed me into someone different. It seems I prefer different things now... I don't know what to call it. I mean, now I enjoy cleaning up stuff, organizing... I find video games mundane and boring for the most part. I've willingly cleaned dishes just because I got annoyed with the clutter.

I dunno. I feel like I'm looking farther into the future rather than trying to find something to bide my time in the present. Not that I don't still, I can't explain it.
I just seem to like things that are more life oriented than fun oriented. Sounds dumb but... I just don't know.


Blogger Jess said...

Life is good, but having fun is also good, you gotta have fun at some point. :)

Wed Jun 01, 12:53:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Justin said...

Maybe you're just too fucking bored.

Maybe because you see certain things as being counter-productive, and not really benefiting you in any real way, and so you cut it out of your routine.

Maybe your insatiably ambitious desire for success is getting to you.


Wed Jun 01, 06:30:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! I've rubbed off on you. You will become a neat freak soon enough.

Thu Jun 02, 10:14:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats what war does to you.

I love the smell of naplam in the morning. as Mateusz would say.

- Mike

Ps. i love you

Fri Jun 03, 01:01:00 AM EDT  

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