Monday, June 06, 2005

I have nothing to say

Well, nothing particular. Just had nothing to do, was looking around my blog and felt like writing something.

My dad said he'd get me a digital camera for my birthday off of Air Miles and I've been eyeing the Olympus C-7000. It would be nice and handy to have a camera, especially when I'm away from home. I can take random pictures and post them. I'm leaning towards a small pocketable camera. Although they aren't nearly as good as SLRs can be, I'm not too big on getting super nice looking photos but rather be able to capture moments but still be good enough to experiment with photography. Of course, I don't want to be stuck with a small camera that sucks seeing as I probably wouldn't buy a camera for a long long time.

Hehe, I applied for yet another credit card. This time I get one Air Mile for every $20! lol It should arrive in the mail soon. huzzah!


It's been raining for almost a week straight in Calgary and at first it just seemed so gloomy but this morning for some reason it feels nice. From my desk I can see down the road on the hill infront of my house and over the park and into the fog over the river. Everything seems so serene. The sound of the rain, the birds, and the water trickling off the roof. It kind of reminds me of the days back in elementary school when it would pour outside and everyone would run inside but a few of us stayed. Everything felt good back then, we didn't care if we got soaked to our bones because we knew we could just dry ourselves off. We didn't care if we damaged our clothes, ruined our shoes, or ruined our hair. If only life was as carefree.

That's all I got for now.


Blogger Jess said...

You can still just dry yourself off even if you get soaked to your bones. A little water never hurt anyone. :)

Wed Jun 08, 07:18:00 PM EDT  

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