Sunday, June 03, 2007

Too long

It's been far too long without an update to my blog. I used to blog vehemently but alas no more.

Not much has happened since my last post. I finished my third year at the University of Waterloo with my best term yet. Not much of an improvement but an improvement atleast. Enough to (finally) get myself on the Dean's Honour's List. Bittersweet because it's far too late to have achieved it. I've now completed just over a third of my planned university journey; already a year more than I had originally hoped. Now that I know I'll be completing my Undergrad degree makes it two more. Yes, that means I was rejected for Optometry for Fall 2007. I figured out on Wednesday but hadn't told anyone but my Mom and Jessica.

It wasn't a surprise. It didn't really affect me much when I finally read "Deny" under the status of my application online. Knowing that others had already got in the week before and that I hadn't heard a single thing from the university hinted to me that I wasn't going to like what I knew was coming. I still haven't gotten the actual rejection letter. Some small part inside me still has hope that those four tiny letters online under "Status" can still change to the six letters that I prefer. That small part inside of me still believes only when I receive the paper copy that I can stop hoping. That small part inside of me has hope that decisions can be changed.

I'm not a religious person, but by God a miracle could change my life.

June 11th is the day I have to enroll in classes. Sometime between now and then I should receive something. When I finally get that letter, whether it confirms my rejection to Optometry or by miracle is the opposite, I'll finally be able to unpause and move on.

I still have next year. I still have fourth year to finish my undergrad, hopefully improve my marks ever so slightly. I have an extremely beneficial job in three weeks thanks to Jessica's father which hopefully helps my next application. I still need to get off my own ass and contact my own Optometrist to see if I can job shadow... I don't know what I'm so afraid of.

Fourth year will be stressful. Fourth year will be like no other year. I'll be going to classes without many of my friends; both good and bad. No one to help me but perhaps I'll focus more. I'll have to apply to Optometry again by January which involves obtaining those annoying reference letters. I'll have to (infact I should start now) figure out what schools in the United States I should apply to. I'll have to fly to those schools for interviews (if needed). All the while contemplate what to do if I don't get into Waterloo Optometry or for that matter any school at all. The latter (presumably) less likely. What do I do about living arrangements? What do I do with all my stuff?

What happens to my life?

I've learned so much too late.