Friday, November 30, 2007


So today was a good day I suppose. I printed off and submitted my UW Optometry application. It was a crazy windy and snowy day out so the trek up north kind of sucked. There weren't many people out but a girl walking across my path all of a sudden lost her touque from a blast of wind. I found myself chasing it across the B2 green until I finally caught up to it and was able to give it back to her. I felt like a good samaritan.

I finally broke down and decided to watch Battlestar Galactica: Razor now instead of waiting until after exams. It was pretty sweet, although some small parts were kind of... I'm not really how to word it... not really out of place, not really silly, but - I'm not sure. I don't want to ruin it for anyone not that it would. I'm the kind of person that really doesn't want to know anything at all, not even previews, for things I really want to watch. I like to be in the dark so that everything is a surprise so I wouldn't want to say something that I wouldn't want to hear. It was sweet though, as always. That's my BSG fix for now.

What else... I've been working on my long overdue PCO application (still) but this time I've actually seemed to progress somewhat. I took a break and decided to check my email, turns out SUNY wants me to come for an interview! It's good to know someone out there thinks I'm a possible candidate, especially when I hear SUNY is hard to get into. Obviously they haven't accepted me yet, but it's the first step on my path to becoming an optometrist. Woot!

That's all for now. Time to look for a possible snack...


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