Monday, July 14, 2008


So in case you haven't already noticed, this blog has been 'discontinued' so to speak. I have indeed started up a newer 'blog' that is/will hopefully be updated a little more regularly. Basically it marks a new 'chapter' in life. If you don't know what the URL is... well, you'll find it if you really want to. [I'm sure you can Google-stalk my information and find it. ;)]

If you want a quick update, here it is: I am currently in Morden, Manitoba working as an Optometric Assistant. In August I will be started four years of optometry school in Chicago, Illinois at the Illinois College of Optometry.

368 posts made it to this blog over 4 years. Here's to many more.

Thanks to those that read this blog and I hope it has kept you updated or at least entertained you.


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