Saturday, January 29, 2005

My Brutal Romance

The title has nothing to do with anything, I just think it sounds cool, as do any other "My ______ Romance" string of words. Obviously inspired by the insational My Chemical Romance. That dude has some fucking kick-ass charisma.

Anyway. Today was a very pleasant day if I must say so myself. Classes were on the whole good. "Good" meaning I stayed awake through all of them and for the most part wasn't thinking "What the hell is going on?". The sun was out. That seems to be a rarity in these parts. Compared to the bright ass Calgary skies, it always seems to be overcast in my heart- just kidding, in these parts. [That reminded me of something hence why I said that. I'm a loser.]

I aced my Linear Algebra Quiz #1 which as many of you know would make me one happy camper. I didn't get to do nearly as much studying as I planned on doing today, but hopefully tomorrow will be much better.

In other news, I guess as an update for many that I haven't talked to in awhile [most.], I applied to be a Don. Pretty much a RC, or RA, or whatever you guys call them. I've also found a place to stay for housing for the next 4 years or so [depending on if I'm a Don for a year] and it's a pretty sweet deal. I'll be living with six girls and one other guy, [Yes, insert your comment here.] which should be a little odd at first but I'm sure I'll get used to it as I get used to a lot of things [like failing mid-terms!... or anything academic for that matter. :P]. A lot of people have told me "Have fun with that." with the sarcastic tone in their voice. I don't think it should be bad. I've had a quite clean record of getting along with people [as long as we get to know each other] and I don't anticipate any problems with these people [many I'm just beginning to meet].

We sign on Monday. This whole housing kind of fell on top of me out of nowhere. I didn't know what I was going to do and I didn't really plan on doing anything until I knew about my Donning status. I ended up only looking at this house because I heard about it and thought it was sweet... and because I was bored. But anyway, it turned out they needed eight people in order to get the house and they only had six confirmed. The other two pending were Colin and Yam. Now that Colin had seen the place he was in. Yam however was undecided. I thought the place was sweet. Super sweet. I thought that if I were Yam I would be in also. I was just there to see the place, but I was asked what I was doing for my housing situation and frankly I had little to none. I didn't want to impose myself perhaps living in the same house but in the end I guess it all worked out that I just might be. [assuming no one signs it before us.]

Uhh... I kinda wrote this on and off and now I lost my purpose. So... that's about it for now I guess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good band. well, i hear its a pretty sweet house, the only advise ill give you, is when you start disliking a roomate. dont drink, we know what'll happen you fiesty ninja. we just dont want you to get beat up by a girl.

Sat Jan 29, 02:38:00 AM EST  
Blogger Gumbi said...

As Soon as i saw that"The title has nothing to do with anything, I just think it sounds cool, as do any other "My ______ Romance" string of words" part. Made me think og the video for I'm not Okay (I Promise). Check it out, it's pretty good.

Sat Jan 29, 03:08:00 AM EST  
Blogger E said...

Ah yes, I've been looking at that. The Taste of Chaos Tour comes by twice on the 4th and 5th in Mississauga and London.

Sun Jan 30, 10:30:00 AM EST  

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