Friday, June 10, 2005

Belated One Year

So I started this blog on May 26, 2004. I must say, a lot of stuff has happened in that time and a lot of stuff has changed. I suppose there are some things that have stayed the same. All of which has either not been too surprising or has... which doesn't sound very unnatural I suppose.

I guess it's just I'm at awe of what can happen in one year and what can stay the same. Some things at one time you think won't ever change but things happen and they do. What you believe would happen in the future may or may not have happened.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I guess it's basically the fact that some things have changed and as many are good, some can be bad, or a little bit of both. Either way you can't go back if you wanted to... but sometimes you just wonder.

Well, it's been a good day with friends, from some nice drives, seeing a friend I haven't seen in awhile [That's you Jo ;), sorry I didn't get to call you today!], some Nintendo, some more Nintendo, shooting stuff, Nott's.

I guess life's just got me thinking of... well, life. I think tomorrow [well, today] I'm going to just spend some time to read what I've blogged about thus far. See what has changed, and what surprisingly hasn't...

Some things are just unforgettable and some are. This blog is my reminder of my time, although it may not be all of them, they still bring back memories. Sure, I may have hundreds of posts, but to me they bring me back to those times and I recall more than what's put down, and that is what's special.

I wonder if that's coherent...


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