Saturday, June 11, 2005

Blades of Steel

I have completed the Junior and College tournaments, now as Blades of Steel tells me, it's now off to the pros.

My left thumb is starting to get used to the whole constant pressing of the D-Pad. Also, in related Nintendo blogging, apparently Duckhunt doesn't work on a black and white TV. It just hits no matter what. Lame.

In other news, went to Schanks with Jamie, Jamie's cousin Tyler, and Jocelyn where I saw Emily and a whole bunch of their U of A friends. Many of whom they had lived with. It was quite the awkward social situation but Sarah and Megan showed up. I also bumped into STEPH, THE COOLEST GIRL THAT LOVES GREEN. lol Sarah and I then went to Megan's to chill out. We bumped into Nicole W. as we were leaving which was nice, and then I finished off the College tournament on Blades of Steel. And now to get my rest to take on the Pros... [I know, it's sad...]

Tomorrow is the day I shall put in my Rogers Video application. Everyone cross your fingers and hope I get a job... I need it. Apparently my University education, my extracurricular activities, previous job experience, and living in the "easiest city to get a job" as according to the news doesn't help me.

Well, atleast I might be able to garnish my resume with "Rogers Video Customer Service Representative" instead of some lame "Shoppers Optical Sales Associate" or something along the lines of something that actually helps my life...

Fucking society... [I didn't plan on this ending in an angry note, but that's the way things go.]


Blogger s. said...

I also bumped into you!!! Bitch, didnt include me in there. :P

Sat Jun 11, 11:04:00 AM EDT  

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