Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Busy Day

Today was indeed a busy day.

First of all at 9AM I got picked up by Sarah to go babysit her cousins. I figured I don't have a job and I don't have anything else to do, why not? All in all it was pretty fun. They're cool/cute kids. Sarah however beat me with a Ninja Turtles sword. After we were starving so we ordered some Joey's Only Seafood and wolfed that food down. I was eating so fast I ate part of my plastic fork. Mmm.

So later on in the day I went out to Millennium for the first time in ages to go skateboard [also for the first time in ages] with Jeff M and Sean T. They biked and Sean did some skating too. I'm quite rusty, I can't do a quarter of the things I could do [not that I could do much in the first place].

It was going good and then I ate shit once just rolling down the big pyramid because I was being retarded or something. Not too bad though. Jeff and Sean pulled off some sweet stuff on their bikes.

We went to get pizza and Sean got to seem some saggy phat fat boob from some drunk girl. The other girl wanted to do him. lol One of them took a sip of my water so I decided that the herpe water should not be drunk.

Anyway, I feel sore from physical activity. I don't do much, wait, any normally.

All in all, good day.


Blogger Gumbi said...

Dude, i went to Milly this morning with Steve and then again with Mike... My EVERYTHING hurts.

Tue Jun 14, 07:58:00 PM EDT  

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