Monday, June 26, 2006

Happen ze Birthday

Happy Birthday, Justin.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Random update

When I put my ear to the table it sounds like the inner workings of a giant futuristic spacecraft.

I've been hanging out like I'm homeless... in a home. I'm so lazy it hurts. Hopefully my smell, if any, doesn't permeate these un-soundproof walls. I suppose before Jessica gets back I should probably shower regularly. She'd appreciate that I would think.

I made pancakes for the first time in my life last night at 11PM. Albeit they were "Just add water" pancakes, I'm still pretty inept at making food. Score 1 for Eric, no more for Starvation's 283.

A few days back I think I had myself my first "true" breakdown. I kind of lost it trying to do some work to catch up on Biology. It was rather odd and now I'm in a mid-state of apathy to do anything. I still don't see how having only two courses should be considered stressful but I suppose it's the fact that if I think I have the time, I should be using it. It could also be that I live in a place that I am not fond of all in cause to my ability to rush into things without thinking. A lesson learned. Of course that's what got me stuck in Waterloo which sucks. I miss my friends back home, as much as I never show it. I'm not one to start a conversation when I have nothing to say however Justin showed me a webcomic that's been lifting my spirits and giving me the opportunity to quote hilarious remarks to him.

Going home would have been a nice thing to have done however at the same time I sometimes think that home is where I fuck things up [flashback to '05] and that perhaps I subconsciously never wanted to go home. From my guesstimations, in the past 290ish days I have been home a combined total of 8. The next time I go home, the former number will be roughly 470... and then it'll be another 8-10 days and I'm back. I guess it's a little hard having your first "no-summer" and it being away from home.

Another big issue is the whole edjukashun. As much as my dad is probably denying happening, my chances of going to the States for Optometry is far greater than at Waterloo. Just to pull off an 80 before I get my undergraduate degree would mean pulling 86ers on every single thing I do from now until graduation. Sounds easy to some. Mind you, getting into -any- school of optometry would be awesome, it's just that moving out of country isn't something I'd jump for joy to do. Not to mention costs of moving and tuition. My dad can't promise to give me the free ride I'm enjoying now if I go to the States. Possibly a punishment for not trying harder.
Anyway, my future is in limbo and I don't like the looks of it. I know a few people my age that have gotten into Optometry already and it's hard to believe that I once thought without an ounce of doubt that I would have been there by now.

No job either... that's some more you don't want to hear or that I'm to lazy to whine about now.

I've lost my train of thought.
It's been awhile since I've bitched and moaned on here. [sarcasm]

All in all, typical life of Woo.

[I guess I could have ended on a lighter note... how about... YARR! PIRATES!]

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Disgruntled Tip of the Day #2

If you can't control your own dick, atleast lift the toilet seat before you piss.

'Night Mother

'Night Mother is a movie that was on at 2 in the morning that I started to watch because the TV was on. Frankly it's one of those movies that tops my list.

It's a 1986 movie about a woman that tells her mother she's going to kill herself by morning. It's based off a play and it's quite... gripping, for lack of words.

All I can really say is to watch it. It's a short movie; makes you think.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Disgruntled Tip of the Day #1

If you're not a fucking elephant, don't fucking walk like one.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

sense make no rolexfake erection!


So I was in my email and I realized that spam nowadays makes absolutely no sense. This latest one I got has the subject, "BuyWatch AtCheap" which to me sounds like cheap watches, right?

Here's what it had to say:
immediate along love black break? convenient latter yours meeting dark address? thank bought light inside. captain person bread opposite. winter opposite number nothing too surely.
CLICKHTML [which was a link to God knows what]

likely not advantage bad besides purpose. supposedto opposite profession.

What the hell? Now really. I think spam would work better if it were atleast decent looking. Perhaps make it all a picture that is one big link, that way it gets around the word filters most email servers have.

And one more time for a laugh: sense make no rolexfake erection!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I miss you Miss. Lautenschlager

I'm back in Waterloo and that makes me sad. :(

I had an awesome time in Morden, probably will be the best highlight of my "summer".

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Six days!

Six days until I fly to Manitoba to see Jessica! I can't wait, of course I need to get lots of work done beforehand so we can make the most of our time together.

I'm so excited! I need to think of something to get Jessica's parents for getting me a ticket. I don't even know what we're going to do in Morden but that's okay! I can't wait!