Sunday, November 26, 2006

Stressed out

Gah, I'm getting so stressed out. I feel like there's so much to do and so little time. So much that it's daunting. I can't seem to relax anymore, there's always something to worry about. Whether it's studying for the OAT, studying for finals, getting assignments done, making sure I balance studying between the OAT and my finals or else if my mark drops by 0.6% this is all a waste of time. Getting a reference letter from a prof and an optometrist, thinking about what to do about living arrangements for next year, whether I'll live in residence, apply to be a Don, look for somewhere to live. Then there's the what if I don't get into Waterloo, where should I go? Where should I apply? What's going to happen and change? And then every minute of the day I'm thinking I should be studying or working on something yet I'm so sick and tired of it all... I can't relax. I can't entirely enjoy anything I do. I'm even wasting time writing this blog! I should be sleeping! AHHH.

2007, you better be a good year. It feels like school has been going for 15 months straight and there's still 5 more to go...

I need to sleep for a week or something.


Blogger Justin said...

Just start the countdown…

Fri Dec 01, 02:00:00 AM EST  

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