Saturday, May 29, 2004

I'd do that again and again...

Still amazed at how much fun I had. It's been years since I've had that much fun, if I have at all. Who knows what's going to top that. I'm just amazed nothing really dampened the whole experience...

Anyway, just got back from Justin's and Banana Jak's. Good ol' DDR. Starting to get worried about the amount of homework I have to do this weekend. I sure hope I don't have to work on Sunday or else the only time I have to work would be before going to Jeff's tomorrow for dinner or before/after the shift I might get Sunday.

My brother got a Game 4 Stanley Cup ticket (Tampa Bay at Calgary incase you're not following :P) which is on Monday. Section 306A, Row GA7, Seat 147. Too bad it's only one ticket, it would have been so awesome to go together but that's so nice of him to give it to me. Hrm... I'm gonna need to buy a Flames shirt. I wonder who else I know has tickets to Game 4 and where they're sitting... Man that game's gonna' friggin' rule.

*sigh* The whole grad experience... that's something I'd like to be able to live over and over again...

Friday, May 28, 2004

Post Graduation

What a sweet thirty-four hours. From the ceremony to going home from Sarah's house, the low point was spilling my drink at the banquet. Man, what a great time. The ceremony was obviously awesome (previous post) but the day only started after that. Had myself a good two hour nap, woke up and got ready. Headed to Vanessa's and got pictures taken with her, Sarah, and her date, Dominic. What a cool guy, stepping in like that.

Bakers Park is sweet, what a charming group of people. Those silver limos were sweet.

The Round-Up Center looked pretty friggin' sweet. The 1920's Chicago theme was awesome especially with some of the people that dressed up for it. The dinner was much better than I expected and the dessert was pretty good too.

Oh man was I nervous before doing my toast, but Scott - what a guy, when he mentioned the time I slept over for five days and found out I was allergic to cats - man, that brought back memories. I thought I screwed up a bunch but people tell me it made it even better. I can't believe how friendly some people can be even though I don't know them at all. I was so embarassed that I buttoned up my jacket all wrong. :P

Oh man, did I take a lot of pictures that night. 324 pictures plus one short clip of Jeff and Dickie beating the crap out of each other. There were a lot of people I missed out on getting pictures of though which I was really disappointed with, but even so, I still got a lot. I felt really bad for someone, I won't say who, because her date was so wasted... Couldn't find her though. :( Dancing was fun, did some jivin'. Woot! Of course I couldn't remember any moves but still fun.

Aftergrad at John Henry's Nitespot. Heh. Good times. That was amazing with Vanessa's ID. lol That was a lot of people jammed into that place. Yeah... lol

The black limo was so sweet looking. Two TVs, cool lights, cool seats. Good ride around the town hehe.

Then we met Dickie at Denny's and Dominic and Jeff rode in the back to Sarah's. Dominic and Sarah were the first to pass out lol. Morning was fun, pretty much all vegged out. Ordered some pizza. Greeted the pizza man in my boxers lol. Fell asleep again and woke up at 4. Headed home at about 4:30.

What an amazing grad, it went so well. I'm glad Vanessa was my date. :)

Now for exams in a week...

Thursday, May 27, 2004



Just got back from our "Closing Ceremonies". Man, what a blast. I'm still in shock at the cheers I got from the crowd. I didn't expect that at all. Thanks guys. I guess the last name's perfect for cheering. ;) I hope a lot of the pictures turned out. Anyone reading this, you guys gotta send me some too!

Heading back out in about three hours to go take pictures and go to the banquet/dance. I haven't remembered my speech but I think it'll be fine. Let's hope I'm not as nervous as I was going on stage today!

Woohooo! Congratulations to everyone! See you at the banquet!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Eric Alan Woo - 18 years old

So it began...

Ah, the first post in this online journal, or any journal for that matter. Now I can whine and complain about anything... not that I don't anyway.

So graduation is in 11 hours. I've got my suit ready, shirt, pants, tie, that annoying little handkerchief that goes in the pocket. Got some money for aftergrad in the wallet, all my tickets... I think I'm so prepared that I'm going to forget something.
I haven't cut my belt to fit yet... I guess I don't want to wreck it, seeing as it cost me "three bills" as John ("Boss" haha) would put it.

I'm the tenth last person to walk the stage tomorrow, and yet I still have to get up bloody early and wait for everyone else. Atleast I'm not last like Laura hehe. I'm still amazed that twelve years has already gone by. Damn that was fast.

I can't wait to see everyone all fancied up for the banquet and dance. I just hope I can remember how to dance. lol. Hrm... I forgot to talk to Mrs. Couture about the finishing touches to my toast to the parents. Whatever, we'll see what happens. I can't wait to present it.

Aftergrad is gonna be a riot. Perhaps some more "shaft and muff" stories. ;)

Anyway, this is probably boring shit to anyone else reading this.


Saturday, May 01, 2004

Online picture storage. Disregard.