Sunday, January 02, 2005

It's that time again...

32 hours until I head to the airport. [11 AM Mon. 3rd.]

I thought I had more to say when I thought about writing this but I've just drawn a blank. This holiday was over much too quickly and ended up being a whole lot different then I expected it to be.

Uhh... Wow, I really did forget what I wanted to write...

Going to Waterloo this time is definitely not as big of a deal as it was the first time. A lot of things have changed since then and the second time around won't nearly be as dramatic or emotional...

New Years was pretty much the "see ya later" for Vanessa since she'd be busy all of the second and leaves super early the third. This time there was no Jeff, he's in California with his family even though he'd rather not be, and there was no Dickie, who's now living in Nova Scotia. Things went much smoother this time around as will 32 hours from now most likely.

I plan on waking up in about 6 hours, packing as much as possible hoping not to forget anything, perhaps do something between then and dinner with "the Asians" and perhaps something after, if not, more packing...

Hrm. I can't seem to come up with anything to write so back to daily stuff.

Went bowling for the first time in about ten years [I thought it was eight, but I was wrong] which was wickedly fun. I went with Laura, Kyle, Kevin, and Lee [the import] whom I hadn't seen all holiday [although Lee recalls seeing me at Schanks on the 19th... lol] and afterwards we went to Schanks for wings. mmmm. Just thinking about those hot wings again is making me salivate. Those were redonkulously good. Ah, it's always good times catching up with friends you haven't seen in awhile. There will definitely be more come summer [and definitely lots of parties.]

Oh, that reminds me. New Year's Resolution. I've never actually made any before but this time I think I will. It's going to be to manage my time better. In doing so, I'll be able to 1. Have more time to keep in touch with friends [because you all know how little I did. :(], 2. Get more sleep, 3. Have more time to do work which in turn results in better grades and thus a more positive composure [because we all know my life revolves around my education... :P *coughlosercough*. Well, not mywhole life...]

I've suddenly lost interest in writing any more.

{Saves The Day - Freakish}


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