Saturday, January 01, 2005

The year in review...

Okay, so not really.

I got back from Megan's at around 1:30 from our relaxing New Year's/goodbye to Vanessa. I can't believe it's almost been the whole sixteen days I have in Calgary. Although I've had a ton of fun, it seems as though I missed out on a lot of potential... Things are the same and also so different.

Anyway, the year is fresh and after I got home I really started to think about last year. Last year has probably been the most interesting year so far of my comparably short lifespan. Many new experiences; good and bad, and many highs and lows. Being the emo kid everyone knows I am [and if you don't then you really don't know me that well :P] I decided to read some of my old posts.

It's nice to re-live some of the good memories although some can strike a different chord at the same time. I was most surprised at how many things I posted never occured... a seemingly long list of failures and false hopes. And then there are the few things that did occur. Some of the unanswered questions I had once before I now know the answer to, some old thoughts that I can definitely agree with, etc. But most effective of all are the memories, some instantly bring a smile to my face while others a tear.

I spent probably a good hour reading a decent amount of my entries, mostly up until I moved. There are many that stuck out based on content and how well [in my own opinion] I wrote them [although most seem to be the same subject] and also importance in my life but the one entry that sticks out the most is Five Zero Zero, a post that started off as nothing and turned into a something.

I'm glad I created this thing. To some people it's great, to others it's lame and stupid. To me it's something I can use to keep in touch, express, remember, and re-live.

Anyway, the year in review is looking okay. When I think of it, I can't really remember anything significant at the start of the year. My life then wasn't much of a life. I guess in grade twelve it started to be something and from then on it was a mix of everything. The bad was bad but the good was great and so it all evened out, perhaps even made it all worthwhile. Let's see what this year has to offer, afterall, it's going to be completely different from the rest, just like last year...

Again with the late night post. Random thought: I miss writing the long "reflect on life" posts, along with the "emo" posts. Well... not really seeing as I have to be in that mood to post them, but more like I miss the amount of meaning this blog had before. Lately it has become so retarded in the fact that it's an overcap of what I've done. I'm becoming lethargic in my expression of feelings. Perhaps because sometimes in the end it just really doesn't matter. Perhaps sometimes it just doesn't change a thing... Perhaps sometimes it changes everything.

Enjoy what's good. That's life for ya.

[okay, it got a little emo.]

EDIT: New poll. Last poll, "How is your holiday going so far?" had 1 "good", 1 "up to par", and 1 "this is no holiday...". Hopefully it was better for the rest if you.


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