Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sorry ladies...

The Beatles - Eight Days A Week

My, my, my. Quite the long time since I've last updated this, hasn't it?

Well my fellow readers [atleast those that haven't given up checking already] here it is.

As of March 3, 2005, Eric Alan Woo is no longer single and available. Sorry ladies... and Jeff. [kidding Jeff.] For those wondering, my better half's name is Jessica and yes, goes to the Univeristy of Waterloo and is in Biomedical Sciences with me [same as Pre-Optometry/Pre-Health... new name.] Yes, now I expect the many comments to appear on my blog along with the many messages I will receive over MSN. Yes, many things have changed that I've missed out on in all of your lives but I'm sure it's the same the other way.

There are so many things that I know that are going on in your lives that I read about in your own journals yet I really don't know that much about. Coming back to Calgary in the summer is going to be quite the interesting event. Many things will have changed, some worse, but some definitely better. More than I can imagine.

But for now, ladies and gentleman, I am happy. Things are slowly falling into place in The Life of Woo³. At the same time there are parts that are still unsure... like my marks. Some are up and some are down and others are just no different but I am quite confident in my ability to get into Optometry. I'm shooting for three years.

Anyway, enough of finding things to take me away from doing my work. The next update won't be in so long... I'll try my best.

The best to the rest of you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur not single ur a slave to the man and in this case the man is jessica

from scott

ps. u cheating bastard

Sun Mar 06, 05:01:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha woo all the wooing has paid off huh?? jk jk
enjoy the time you spend together b.c once its gone it feels like............

Sun Mar 06, 05:19:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sniff* my little eric is becoming a man


Sun Mar 06, 05:37:00 PM EST  
Blogger Gumbi said...

So, That night of Passion ment nothing to you?... You think you can just love me up a little then LEAVE for waterloo?



jk Your koo

Sun Mar 06, 06:00:00 PM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Mon Mar 07, 12:28:00 AM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

What Jessica doesn't know is that Eric has men waiting for him in Calgary.

I mean, I don't love him. At all.

Are you gonna pack her into a suitcase and bring her back to Calgary to show us all?

Mon Mar 07, 12:28:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EWoo, you've forsaken your brothers at S2 for that, that, that SCORPION WOMAN! What about those nights of me, you and mat sipping tea and listening to Revolver? and serenading justine with Bohemian Rhapsody? Those long long showers of singing and gleefully trading stalls?

I can't say anymore, but I leave my friend John Lennon to sum it up.

I'm Looking Through You, Where Have You Gone?
I thought I Knew You, What Did I Know?



Mon Mar 07, 01:02:00 AM EST  
Blogger iWoo said...

Eric, why you gots to be so smoove? How come my wooing powers aren't as mighty? Is it the glasses? The belt? Both?!

Mon Mar 07, 01:39:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EWoo, you've forsaken your brothers at S2 for that, that, that SCORPION WOMAN! What about those nights of me, you and MIKE sipping tea and listening to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band? and serenading justine with Bohemian Rhapsody? Those long long showers of singing and exchanging toiletries

I can't say anymore, but I leave my friend John Lennon to sum it up.

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends



Mon Mar 07, 05:30:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a hot
On your birthday that is
Keep your shot
On your optometry goal... that is

Over and above Eric
Never give up your dream
Optometry is a looking glass state.

Wed Mar 09, 02:44:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Mat and Mike for calling me a Scorpian Woman, and to Scott (but I believe it was Colin writing it) for calling me a man, that really means a lot to me guys. Mat you're just jealous that he goes to the caf with me now and not with you, maybe you'll have to get over some insecurities and walk down there alone, perhaps this could be a good thing for you. lol.

And Yes Justin, I know Eric has men waiting for him in Calgary, he talked quite fondly of you so maybe we'll have to fight over him. And sorry but I don't fit in a suitcase, so I don't think Eric will be bringing me back to Calgary with him, I have job waiting in Manitoba for me. So perhaps you guys will just have to make a road trip out to Morden.

Sorry to Jeff, that night of passion meant a lot to Eric too but I guess you'll have to find someone else, perhaps Justin? he seems pretty distraught that Eric has left him for me. :P

Anyways I couldn't let the posts go without a response.


Wed Mar 09, 03:09:00 PM EST  
Blogger Gumbi said...


I am WAY WAY Outta Justings league. I mean i am a PRIME peice of ass. And i only share said ass with top knotch, Uber-terrific Kids like Eric Woo.

BTW> Jessica... Eric DID enjoy that night of Passion... You have alot to live up to. Some "Big shoes" To fill if you catch my drift..

JK... I swear i'm not gay.

Thu Mar 10, 06:23:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to be dude, she's one lucky lady!


Thu Mar 10, 05:53:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff, I obviously don't have that much to live up to if Eric would leave you that easily.

I guess you're not a PRIME piece of ass anymore, perhaps you're past your prime and now a grade C piece of meat. Since you're now a grade C piece of meat the only thing you're suitable for is dogs, in which case, Justin is WAY WAY Outta your league!!

JK, you're a good guy, however I still doubt your sexuality, like really, you managed to kiss a girls ear instead of her cheek. Maybe subconsciously you didn't want to kiss her cheek.

lol. JK!

Fri Mar 11, 03:15:00 PM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

See, she knows where it's at! Eric's been talking about me eh…? Did he tell you about that one time where we… haha… lets just leave it at "Plant cell, plant cell!". I miss my Eric.

I think you seem know what this "Jeff" guy is all about. Haha, and you're even bashing his kissing accuracy. And you called him dogmeat.

Nice. I like her already.

Sat Mar 12, 04:19:00 AM EST  
Blogger Gumbi said...

* Hates his life...

Sat Mar 12, 04:32:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff don't hate your life, I am totally just kidding and I really am sorry if I hurt you. Eric said you could take a joke so I'm hoping that I didn't take the joke too far, please don't be mad at me :(

Sat Mar 12, 05:58:00 PM EST  
Blogger iWoo said...

She's a troublemaker, Eric. Look at the chaos! I like her already too. I think this post wins for most responses ever, go figure.

Megan sent me a letter and asked if I had heard of this before: - perhaps this explains "what's in a name". When you're back home this summer, you're going to have to give your brother some tips.

Ian [Woo]

Sun Mar 13, 07:45:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Looking Through You ERIC...

Wed Mar 16, 12:15:00 AM EST  
Blogger Expressions said...

Hey eric,

LONG time no chat its elly B. Just wanted to see how things are going for you and by the sounds of it "Looking good!" haha well ya dont worry about school too much they say first yr is always the hardest, too much work, too much partying and well the lack of motivation and just adjusting to it but ur smart you will prevail!! Im glad i found ur blog and will have to read it more you can check out mine anytime too!

Wed Mar 16, 12:20:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...Eric..?...Eric Woo..? the guy from Calgary? The same guy we snuck into toga during frosh week?? The very same Eric Woo who used to hang out with us? Drinking on a thursday? and reading cosmo??? Where did you go?? Did you move back to calgary or something? or just plain disappear? or do you just not like us anymore? dont want to hang out with us? are we not good enough??? Where did you go?

Thu Mar 17, 08:51:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo-man!!! Awwwwwww yeah....hahaha. This is Caitlin btw, geez I thought something was up when our chats on msn kinda came to a screeching halt! Jess sounds like a super great gal, we need to fire up the ol' webcam and do a little meet and greet action lol. Well I'm sure I'll talk to ya later eric! oh, and Jeff, you can miss my cheek and kiss my ear any time baby :D....jk....or am I?!

Fri Mar 18, 01:13:00 AM EST  

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