Monday, March 21, 2005

Twenty Four

The Beatles - I'm Looking Through You

Hello out there.

So I guess I really didn't update sooner than I said I would. Uhhh... I really don't know what I would have put anyway so here goes a little update for you all there dying to know what's going on.

Uh. My parents came to visit me yesterday [both at the same time!]. I got a "newer" laptop instead of my brick I had before.

Nothing else new. I like stuff still. And things. Things are good.

Oh, I got serenaded to yesterday by three guys in my house. I abandoned them for Jessica. The song was the song listed above. Scott was on guitar and Mat and Mike were singing. Jessica was there to enjoy the embarassment, but all in all it was good fun. Not to mention free food. No one can turn down free food, especially when you're running out of meal plan money and your girlfriend has to buy you all your meals. :S

Well, that's all for now, later.


Blogger Justin said...

^ that was like a grammatical trainwreck.

Anyways, nice to know you're still alive. Good to hear that white-she-devil (kidding, jeez) hasn't sucked the lifeblood out of you.

She seriously walked in on the best part of that MSN convo.

You like stuff too…? MMmmm… stuff.

Tue Mar 22, 04:12:00 AM EST  

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