Sunday, March 27, 2005


First self-done hair trim of semester 1B.

I must say I've done much better than first term. I tried to take a pic with my webcam but it doesn't show up to well, not to mention I don't have a before picture.

Anyway, it's Easter long weekend here, as it is for most people in school. Jessica's at her Grandma's place so I thought I'd be productive with my time. I was so wrong. I've ended up watching TV and playing The Sims and The Sims 2 most of my time. What can I say, playing out life in the computer is just so fun. It's been awhile since I've played video games and the mention of DoD in Jeff's and Justin's blogs just makes me want to play even more. For now I'm going to have to stop myself and prepare for finals if I want to keep my marks up [or improve some that are down]. This term is important, it's the term where my marks will show me if I'm finally making the transition to being in university.

It's been a rocky road [mmmm, I remember eating that ice cream all the time... :(] but it's been a journey uphill all the way. So far so good.

It just keeps getting better and better.

I'm going to go eat now.


Blogger Justin said...

Mmm mmm... DoD. I mean ice cream.

You should join us some time. Your laptop can kick it, can't it?

Sun Mar 27, 06:58:00 PM EST  
Blogger E said...

Uh, it might... Technically it should, 700mhz PIII but I don't think it has a good video card. But I really need to study anyway, I think I can hold off until I go home.

I hope.

Sun Mar 27, 07:46:00 PM EST  
Blogger Gumbi said...

i heart u

Sun Mar 27, 10:16:00 PM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

He hearts you with a 7.92mm Mauser.

Mon Mar 28, 04:01:00 AM EST  
Blogger Justin said...

Dude June 3rd?! That's no good! The girls bday...

Fri Apr 01, 03:58:00 AM EST  

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