Monday, April 11, 2005

I wish...

I wish exams would just be done with. I wish I could just skip them and get good marks in them so I wouldn't have to deal with them.

No matter what, exams get me so stressed out. Sure, it's not as stressful as first term but they always will. I may have much better marks going into exams this time but a bunch of you out there know that I can magically go into an exam with a 93 and pull a 53 on the exam.

I get so frustrated during exam time. Most of my time has to be spent studying when really I'd rather not be. If I don't though, I'll fail, no matter how well I've been doing throughout the year. It's just my luck I have a brain with the capacity but not the competence to remember things. I get frustrated with studying and then I get frustrated with everything else. Little things start to irk me the wrong way until I find myself in a spot I don't want to be in.

I've made some moments feel shitty and I'm sorry. Once these exams are over it'll all be back to normal... for a day an a half. :P

Then it's home for four long months... I'm already missing you.


Blogger Justin said...

"I'm missing you already"

So Resident Evil 1.

Luck good exams with.

Mon Apr 11, 02:53:00 AM EDT  

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