Saturday, February 25, 2006

Too quick

Reading week is coming to an end and it felt like it just started.

It's funny how you always say to yourself all the things you'll get done if only you had the time to do it and then once that time comes you don't really do much.

Anyway, reading week was good, Jessica and I went to the Ontario Science Center which was awesome. I was a little disappointed that the rocket chair isn't as responsive as it used to be but either way I got to use it. Damn, good stuff. Fun times. When we got back we found Jessica's mom waiting for us in her apartment which was a surprise. She knew it was our reading week so she came down for a little while. It was nice to meet her finally seeing as I've met the millions of others of their extended family. Her dad will come to Waterloo in March to talk to the optometry students so I'm sure I'll get to meet him too [eep! lol].

Anyway, back to studying and all that fun stuff... I'm really getting sick of it all. All this random work that is so unrelated and I can't seem to bring up my average at all. Sure I don't have much back yet but from what my sociology prof said about our midterms I'm sure those will be crap. My philosophy was way lower than I expected and now I've got to do the 'harder' midterms [only because I thought Philosphy and Sociology would have been easier] that are coming up in the next two weeks.

Okay so I'll study when I'm done ranting about random stuff.

So far no takes on my room so my summer plans are still up in the air. I haven't applied anywhere for a job and frankly I just don't want a retail job. I have a feeling trying to get a job with an optometrist for the summer is tough in Waterloo for obvious reasons. I was look at jobs at RIM but the one position that I could have applied for [only because it was an administrative (read secretarial) position] is now gone - not to mention RIM's lawsuit going on.

I should email my dad sometime and ask him for some advice and see if I can get closer to an answer about my summer.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


The University of Waterloo is closed due to weather.

I never thought it would happen. What perfect timing too, however it comes both as a blessing and a big pain in the ass.

Today was supposed to be the day of a midterm, two labs with quizzes, and of course classes. Now all of it has to be postponed to some other time [good for the midterm because I wasn't ready] but it's annoying to switch into other lab times. Not to mention the week coming back is going to be even more annoying with even more to do.

Oh well, I'll take it as a chance to prepare more for what I was supposed to have today.

On a side note, here's what the map of Canada looked like for weather warnings at 10:15AM central time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Reading Week...


Oh so close. After tomorrow it'll practically be Reading Week. Tomorrow will start at 11:30AM with Sociology 101 and end at 10:00PM [hopefully earlier] with Biology 241 Lab. In between I get Biology 241 lecture, Organic Chem 267, a three hour Human Physiology 273 lab with a quiz and fourty-five minutes after that a Biology 241 midterm! Hooray! Another fifteen minutes and then I start the 241 lab [with quiz]... yeah so I didn't have to write that all out but if it was enough of a bitch to read it'll be enough of a bitch to actually do tomorrow.

Fun, fun. Friday will be good even though there's one class, however, this Reading Week is going to be full of actual reading, writing an essay and a lab, and studying for a midterm the day we get back.

Not without going to the Ontario Science Center of course. :D Hopefully they still have that hovering moon thing.

Off to study...

Update: Yeah so it's midnight and now I'm starting to panic. I'm not nearly prepared for tomorrow and I don't have much time in the day to even look over stuff... hopefully my lab goes quick...

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Hooray! The Olympics are on!

I love the Olympics. Too bad I don't have a TV :P

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Clever Advertising

So Jessica and I were on our way to McDonald's just a while ago and there was a sign across the street that said:

Adult Time
If you lube it,
They will come!
3pk DVD $19.99

Oh, so clever.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Telfon?'s February 5th top story

I know what they mean, but that's just too obvious. It gave me a good chuckle. Hopefully when they review the study again, Teflon will be deemed safe again.

I just hate it when my eggs stick to the pan, yeesh.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


[Amazing, two posts in two days. ;)]

Sometimes I find it hard to keep focused on the task at hand. My mind wanders to random things like what I'd rather be doing or what I'm reading will remind me of which leads to other random tangents. It's like how a conversation keeps going and you end up talking about something completely unrelated to how the conversation started.

Why is it so hard to focus sometimes?

Friday, February 03, 2006

Minota Hagey Residence

So I lied, a post much sooner than expected.

It's official now that my $500 non-refundable deposit has been accepted; I will be living at Minota Hagey Residence for third year. Seventy residents and two dons in the whole residence. I'm surprised I got my pick.

It's hard to imagine that I'm almost done second year, where does the time go? Another question is, what do I have to show for two years of university education? [Apparently a top university education at that.]

Anyway, it'll be interesting to go back to living in residence. I'm sure it won't be as fun as first year, but we all know what happens when we mix fun and school together.

Anyway, back to the grind.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

School is to Hare as Brain is to Tortoise

I think I'm losing it.

Stress is building up now that I know what I need to achieve in order to have a chance at staying in Canada for Optometry. I've probably tripled the amount of time spent studying yet it still doesn't feel like enough. I think I approach the books from the wrong angles. Either way I'm getting used to studying for long hours.

It's been one third of the term and still no marks in anything yet but now that February has rolled along the marks will start rolling in. Infact, more like crashing on top of me. It's a busy month full of midterms, labs, quizzes, and even an essay. Reading week will give me a good time to either relax or catch up on my readings.

I need to improve my marks, by atleast ten percent. I've never been so worried in my life about how my future is going to be now that I know that I've slipped. There's no starting over, no turning back... it's either improve or find another career whether that means starting another degree here or at home or if possible, get accepted into the a School of Optometry in the United States. I feel like I'm wasting my family's money, not to mention how much more it's going to cost if I go to the States. Either way we'll see if my Dad will really cut me off if I'm not in Optometry by fifth year.

It's time to work. I'm going to have to exhaust myself of every bit of energy I have left every term. Summer I need to get some experiencel; job/clinical, volunteer, anything that can help. No more fucking around at random jobs just for the money.


I'll be living in residence again next year [if my contract ever arrives in the mail] this time in an upper year residence that seems nicer than Village 1. I can't wait to be on campus again. This year I didn't apply to be a Don for third year because I really need to focus. If all goes well this term and next year, I want to apply again to be a Don for fourth year and perhaps even a lab teaching assistant.

It's nice to have prospects for the future, it's nicer to actually achieve them.
Off to study again... Perhaps another update during reading week.