Thursday, September 29, 2005

So good.

I'm off to a good start. So far so good. :D My classes are so far so good, not too bad... yet, and so far so good. Yep, good. So far.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


This is all the knowledge I am supposed to know before I take the Optometry Admission Test...

Frankly it scares the shit out of me...

I. Survey of the Natural Sciences
Biology: Cell and Molecular Biology – origin of life; cell metabolism (including photosynthesis); enzymology; cellular processes; thermodynamics; organelle structure and function; mitosis/meiosis; Diversity of Life: Biological Organization and Relationship of Major Taxa monera, plantae, animalia, protista, fungi, etc.) using the five-kingdom system; Vertebrate
Anatomy and Physiology: Structure and function of Systems- integumentary, skeletal, muscular, circulatory, immunological, digestive, respiratory, urinary, nervous/senses, endocrine, and reproductive; Developmental Biology - fertilization, descriptive embryology, and developmental mechanics; Genetics – molecular genetics, human genetics, classical genetics, and chromosomal genetics; Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior - natural selection, population genetics/speciation, cladistics, population and community ecology, ecosystems, animal behavior (including social behavior).

General Chemistry: Stoichiometry and General Concepts - percent composition, empirical formulae, balancing equations, moles and molecular formulas, molar mass, density, and calculations from balanced equations; Gases - kinetic molecular theory of gases, Dalton’s, Boyle’s, Charles, and ideal gas laws; Liquids and Solids - intermolecular forces, phase changes, vapor pressure, structures, polarity, and properties; Solutions - polarity, properties (colligative, non-colligative), forces, and concentration calculations; Acids and Bases - pH, strength, Bronsted-Lowry reactions, calculations; Chemical Equilibria - molecular, acid/base, precipitation, calculations, and Le Chatelier’s principle; Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry– laws of thermodynamics, Hess’ law, spontaneity, enthalpies and entropies, and heat transfer; Chemical Kinetics - rate laws, activation energy, and half life; Oxidation-Reduction Reactions - balancing equations, determination of oxidation numbers, electrochemical calculations, and electrochemical concepts and terminology; Atomic and Molecular Structure - electron configuration, orbital types, Lewis-Dot diagrams, atomic theory, quantum theory, molecular geometry, bond types, and sub-atomic particles; Periodic Properties -representative elements, transition elements, periodic trends, and descriptive chemistry; Nuclear Reactions - balancing equations, binding energy, decay processes, particles, and terminology; Laboratory - basic techniques, equipment, error analysis, safety, and data analysis.

Organic Chemistry: Mechanism (Energetics, Structure, and Stability of Intermediates) - SN1, SN2, elimination, addition, free radical, and substitution mechanisms; Chemical and Physical Properties of Molecules and Organic Analysis - inter and intra molecular forces, separation, introductory infrared spectroscopy, 1HNMR spectroscopy, 13CNMR, chemical identification, stability, solubility, and polarity; Stereochemistry - conforma¬tional analysis, optical activity, chirality, chiral centers, planes of symmetry, enantiomers, diastereomers, and meso compounds; Nomenclature - IUPAC rules, and functional groups in molecules; Individual Reactions of the Major Functional Groups and Combinations of Reactions to Synthesize Compounds; Acid-Base Chemistry - resonance effects, inductive results, and prediction of products and equilibria; Aromatics and Bonding - concept of aromaticity, resonance, atomic orbitals, molecular orbitals, hybridization, bond angles, and bond lengths.

II. Reading Comprehension
Ability to read, organize, analyze, and remember new information in optometry and the sciences. Ability to comprehend thoroughly when studying scientific information. Reading materials are typical of the level of material encountered in the first year of optometry school and require no prior knowledge of the topic other than a basic undergraduate preparation in science. The Reading Comprehension Test will contain three different reading passages.

III. Physics
Units and vectors, linear kinematics, statics, dynamics, rotational motion, energy and momentum, simple harmonic motion, waves, fluid statics, thermal energy and thermodynamics, electrostatics, D.C. circuits, magnetism, optics, and modern physics.

IV. Quantitative Reasoning
Mathematical Problems: Algebra - equations and expressions, inequalities, exponential notation, absolute value, ratios and proportions, and graphical analysis; Numerical calculations - fractions and decimals, percentages, approximations, and scientific notation; Conversions- temperature, time, weight, and distance; Probability and Statistics; Geometry; Trigonometry; and Applied Mathematics (Word) Problems.

Mmm food

Mmm food indeed. Without a residence meal plan this year, the staple food is no longer bacon. It's french fries and any form of easily cookable chicken. Tonight it is chicken burgers with shoestring french fries and a bit of canned corn. A perfect meal to satisfy your hunger for an hour or so and it also impresses the ladies.

No guarantees.


Anyway, I just got internet not very long ago but I haven't really used it much. Who knows how often I'll actually be online. [or atleast just sitting on my computer.]

Back to eating.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Thank you

The traffic lights are green and the road is clear up ahead.

Things have a way of working out, appreciate it and don't take things for granted. Sometimes you only get one chance.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Today was an interesting day to say the least... although my tardiness may have gotten the best of it. I guess I'll just have to see...


So my parents visited. I got a haircut. Back to the normal Woostyles. I just don't think I can do the Emostyles. I get too emo... and it's annoying to maintain.

I've found a spot on the porch where I can get internet without it cutting out, so that's a plus.

All in all, as an overview of life in Waterloo so far. It seems like I'm as you would say, "Trapped in a glass case of emotion." I noticed that I seemed to be snappy to my parents the whole time they were here... I don't even know why. Also my sleeping doesn't seem to be very good, but yet I still seem to be able to stay up in class... although this is just the beginning. Also my appetite is non-existant. I seem to be able to satisfy myself with little amounts of food. I don't get it.

Perhaps going to school is a big shock to the system. I'm sure I just need time to level things out. I feel as though I'm stressed already but I shouldn't be.

Anyway, I should sleep.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Yellow Light

To use the internet I have to sit on the ledge of the porch at the front of the house I'm living in. It's sunny with a slightly strong breeze out but sunny. I can watch the cars go by, or stop when the light turns red. I see all the students that walk by, run by, rollerblade, or bike by. I see the elderly walk by and occasionally the small family.

At the same time, sitting on this porch, everything feels peaceful even with the roar of vehicles that pass by.

Life has an interesting way of things. Like the traffic that flows by my house, it occassionally stops for a bit, but it always keeps going in the end.


I wonder if there's a reason behind everything that happens in one's life. All the good, all the bad.

When you fuck up is it some way of nature or God punishing you for something? Why is it that at one instance everything is never fine. Why can't everything go right but everything can go wrong?

Why is it that I've fucked up so much. Why do I ruin everything that is good...

I am lost. I don't know what to do with myself anymore... everything is just so different.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Alright, so I found some open wireless access so I can use that every once in awhile. Although it's not too reliable. My phone doesn't seem to have arrived which pisses me off but atleast I can use MSN and check my mail.

Anyway, I'll let you all know when I get my phone and I should be getting the internet on the 19th.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

First stop: Toronto

Woke up at 6AM, drove to the aiport at 6:30. Boarded at 7:40 and took off around 8:15. Landed in Toronto at about 12ish Calgary time and now I'm in my dad's room at the Toronto Airport Sheraton Hotel.

I'll be waiting for him until he gets off work and then we'll drive downtown to visit my grandparents and then perhaps off to Waterloo tonight.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bye Vanessa and Diana!

This is an old photo, from Graduation, but it's always been one of my favourites of just Vanessa and I. :)

I don't seem to have a picture of just Diana and I but I know there is one out there. I chose this pic to best represent Diana. :D

Anyway, so today is Vanessa and Diana's last day in Calgary before they go back to Fredericton [if I spelled that right]. We, including Megan, Mike, and I, all went to Peter's Drive in and picked up some good eats and milkshakes. It was sad to know that this may be the last time Diana and I see each other for a very long time. Atleast we got our bar night in before we all left. hehe. It was also probably the last time I'll see Megan so three goodbyes in one day. I'll miss you all and I'll see two of you at Christmas. :) Hopefully Spring Break we might be able to work something out.

Mike and I hung out for the rest of the time up until now, got slurpees, played pool, watched Mythbusters. All the good kind of stuff. And then our lack of energy caught up to us from waking up "early".

Now I am going to take a nap, and then do some packing.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

uh... Root Beer.

I suppose this is the new style in the Life of Woo³. I've only tried it out for three days now and so far I've gotten good reviews. To me it's still taking awhile for myself to get used to. It's simple and easier to maintain and also less cutting [still gone without paying for a haircut ever in my life]. The reactions I get are either something like it's nice, funky, better, or "You need a haircut." That was the first thing my dad had told me when he had gotten home from a business trip, although I had just gotten up out of bed.

Alright, let's see.

Monday I woke up early and headed over to Vanessa's abode where Mrs. McConnell fixed us up a smashingly delicious brunch. The oh so famous Mrs. McConnell pancakes, bacon, hash browns, sausages, and even sliced strawberries and cream. It was amazing, as always. Thanks to Vanessa's mom.

Then I went to work.

Tuesday I woke up early again and got picked up by Laura and Steph and we headed to Red Lobster on 16th. My Red Lobster virginity was broken. It was Shrimply Tuesday so I ordered 45 shrimp for like 17.99... and a "Alotta Coloda" due to peer pressure. Yeah... so the name should have clued me in but it didn't until I got this massive drink that was, as you would all assume, too much for me. ;)

Then I went to work. lol

This was no ordinary day though. I was training someone. It was a good day at work.

Wednesday I woke up at a normal time [2:30ish] and...
...went to work. My last day of work. I slacked off a little but I put in my fair share of work. I'm glad to be done work to just chill out for a bit. Sadly, no more income therefore the "you-thought-Eric-Woo-was-cheap" is out and the "I-can't-believe-someone-can-be-that-cheap" Eric is back. Dickie got back that day and told Jeff and I all about the polygraph that he passed. Congratulations Dickie. [He wants to become a police officer and a polygraph is part of the application process.]

Thursday I woke up at... you know, not having to work I don't even pay attention what time it is. Sooner or later I headed down to The Roadhouse with Vanessa, Diana, a guy named Scott that is like, Vanessa's sister's best friend's son... whatever, he's a cool guy, and Andrea, Vanessa's friend, also a cool person. Scott came from Vernon, B.C., so he'd never experienced a "big" city or a nightclub... or a tunnel. lol.

Anyways, we had lots of fun, as Diana promised me. :( That was our last time at the bar together. Diana's actually from out East, and by that I mean the Atlantic provinces, not just Ontario or... I suppose Quebec, so I don't know when we'll see her again. :( I'll miss you!

Let's see, what else. Oh right. So I ordered my cellphone. If you had read my previous post all about the phones I was looking at blah blah blah - I chose none of those. I found a deal online through a Canadian company called They work together with the Canadian Federation of Students to hook students up with deals. So basically, if I, and I did, order a LG 2000 with a Fido Agreement [once again I chose the Fido to Fido anywhere in Canada yaddayadda.] I will get a 512mb iPod Shuffle for free. Also, because I am a student, I get a discount on my phone bill. This discount is given to me in the form of 12 months free Caller ID and Voice Messaging [$8/month]. The downside is I have to wait for my phone to be shipped and also for the iPod to be shipped [which takes even longer. :P] and I don't get to choose from a list of phone numbers but only suggest three to see if they can get me. [Hopefully! I suggested 3966 = EWoo, 9663 = Woo3, and 3742 = Eric which I most likely won't get.] I chose a crappy time to order it. Monday is a holiday so my phone is probably sitting somewhere in Calgary waiting to be delivered on a business day. I can't wait.

Anyways, that's about all for now. Four days left.