Saturday, July 29, 2006


FUCK. So, I've always been someone that reacts quite severely to mosquitos [not like, death severe, just crazy-ass, giant, swelling, a-few-times-kind-of-debilitating, bites]. I'm about to go to bed and my elbow starts to itch a little and then I realize I've been bit. So I'm like, "dammit." Then about fifteen seconds later I start itching on my back, my side, my neck. Now I'm just pissed right off.

So they're itching like I took a bath in fibreglass and they swelled within seconds of being bit [some good quarter sized ones, toonie sized ones, fun stuff.] I decide to go to sleep so I don't have to deal with the itching. Instead I get fucking attacked by this ninja mosquito again. Once on my other elbow, and on the fucking chin. Now I look like I've been sprayed by CS gas or something [not really, but a good exaggeration].

With my luck the next thing I'll know I'll be convulsing in my room in two days because that fucking ninja-mosquito had West Nile. The rate the Ontario Government keeps slamming those West Nile public service announcements you would think I should have it by now.

Eight bites later I've now drenched myself in Off!. That fucker will probably bite me on my scalp or on the bottom of my feet while I'm sleeping. I hope that/those bug[s] die[s] a horrible death.

Fuckin' bugs.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Of the sea.

So a random thought came to mind.

If you know me well, you know that I hate insects with a passion. I can't stand them. Fuck. Anyway, back to my point. I saw a Lobster Fest commercial for Red Lobster and it made me think. Lobsters and shrimp are like the insects of the sea... BUT THEY'RE SO GOOOOOD! mmm tasty.

Fuckin' bugs...


I saw Pirates with Jessica tonight. Yarrr! Undead pirates are sweet.

One more for good measure. Yarrr!

Friday, July 14, 2006


I'm not one that's big on politics nor do I know much about politics at all, but I always have this crazy notion in my mind that the UN is going to be pretty useless sooner or later. Frankly from what I've learned in school and on the news throughout my short life are the events that stick out that mar the UN.

"Hey Kim Jong! Please don't nuke anybody!"

"Hey Israel! Lighten up, will ya? Please?"

The UN is a pretty nice idea, I mean, who doesn't like the prospect of international security and peace? However in my mind it just doesn't look like it works for major conflicts. [Remember, I have no idea specifically how the UN works...] What can the UN do to stop one nation from destroying another? Shouldn't one nation attacking a[nother] nation in the UN be considered attacking all member states? [of course there are obvious reasons as to why this should not be the case... two 'World' wide reasons...][I'm also probably confusing this with NATO.] Does the UN have rights to engage in combat in certain situations? eg. If UN sanctioned "peacekeepers" are in an area to appease both sides and prevent further conflicts and one side decides to have at the other side, what happens? I know a country can formally ask the UN to remove them, but what happens if they don't?

More current, what would/can the UN do if, let's say, North Korea has a successful test on their Taepodong missiles? If the recent test had been successful, how differently would the UN act?

If Israel decides it's had enough of everything and decides to ride straight through Lebanon, does the UN tell it's nations to stop Israel?

What nations aren't under the UN? [I guess I could look that up...]

Is the whole Canada and France not going along with the US in either of it's wars frowned upon because of the NATO agreement?

Now, these are all questions I could probably answer myself if I just looked them up, but writing them down is fun too. :P

And please remember I really don't know anything about politics before you comment that I'm "blah blah blah, idiot/dumbass/commie/etc."

Edit: Oh, I guess the UN does well with it's foreign aid stuff... I think. So all good stuff on that... except for the Oil-for-Food thing... which I'm still kinda lost on.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Herr Wright Geburtstag ist heute! Er ist zwanzig Jahre alt.

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Working for bacon.

About 27 days to go until I'm done exams. So much sooner than a normal term, and less time to study seeing as my exams are pretty much a week or less after the last class [although I only have two classes...]. Hopefully I can pull my overall average up.

Jessica is back! It's great to have her back in Waterloo. So far we've spent a lot of time at her Grandma's house where I'm not starving to death/trying to watch two fuzzy TV channels/trying to avoid bugs in the house etc. or we've been at one of her many relatives place's and swimming in their pools [well, more like wading around because I can't swim :P]. It's been getting warmer here lately so pools are awesome. Jessica has just started her job though so the weekdays will be work for both of us, her for pay, I for school. I gotta start getting up earlier though so when Jessica gets off work I won't just be getting out of bed. lol Not to mention next term it's back to the 8:30 AM classes... it feels like ages since I ever had one of those.

Next term doesn't looke like a fun one, nor does it look like an average booster. It looks like Bio, Bio, Bio, (Bio)chem, and an Optom course that Optometry students and Biomedical students can take. It's an intro course to background and history etc. so nothing fancy yet. Which brings me to the Optometry Admissions Test. I have all of August to study for it if I wish to take it sometime soon, however, my average is just under 75%, the minimum needed to apply to UW Optometry. After these spring courses it could be pushed just into 75% but it's not even close to a guaranteed in [not much is]. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I could study anyway, just to keep the knowledge from slipping away [as if it already hasn't] and decide to take it or not. Problem is also that each time you take the OAT, your results are kept even if you take it again, no matter if you improve or decline.

It's looking tough, and kind of a slim chance at the moment. Gotta keep pushing.