Friday, November 30, 2007


So today was a good day I suppose. I printed off and submitted my UW Optometry application. It was a crazy windy and snowy day out so the trek up north kind of sucked. There weren't many people out but a girl walking across my path all of a sudden lost her touque from a blast of wind. I found myself chasing it across the B2 green until I finally caught up to it and was able to give it back to her. I felt like a good samaritan.

I finally broke down and decided to watch Battlestar Galactica: Razor now instead of waiting until after exams. It was pretty sweet, although some small parts were kind of... I'm not really how to word it... not really out of place, not really silly, but - I'm not sure. I don't want to ruin it for anyone not that it would. I'm the kind of person that really doesn't want to know anything at all, not even previews, for things I really want to watch. I like to be in the dark so that everything is a surprise so I wouldn't want to say something that I wouldn't want to hear. It was sweet though, as always. That's my BSG fix for now.

What else... I've been working on my long overdue PCO application (still) but this time I've actually seemed to progress somewhat. I took a break and decided to check my email, turns out SUNY wants me to come for an interview! It's good to know someone out there thinks I'm a possible candidate, especially when I hear SUNY is hard to get into. Obviously they haven't accepted me yet, but it's the first step on my path to becoming an optometrist. Woot!

That's all for now. Time to look for a possible snack...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Freeeeedom! (sorta)

Woot! I am now finished 40% of Fall 2007 term! Two of my classes are now done and over with since there are no finals (there were extra midterms). One went well today, the other, not so much. We'll see how it went though. Hopefully they go well since they will be the courses holding up the average.

Now what to do... I feel kind of lost, like I need to do something productive. Shrug, I'll find something to do (like work on my PCO application... guh.)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Back for more!

Two posts in one day, unheard of.

So I'm back from the "Faculty of Science Twenty-First Annual Awards Banquet". Man, Fed Hall sure is fancy, at least nothing I would have expected from that rectangular block on the side of Ring Road. Dinner was okay, it would have been better if I didn't feel so ill. That always seems to be the case, I get sick when I'm out doing something/at an event/going for a plane ride etc. Damn you organs, work better.

It's also funny to listen to people at these award banquets. This is my first time getting on the Honour's List for University marks (I went once for an Entrance Scholarship in 2004) and I am pretty stoked about it. I'm working my ass off to get on the Dean's Honours List and I finally made it on. Then you hear people talking about how everything is the same from last year and the year before blah blah. People take for granted what they have and they don't appreciate that they really do represent only a small portion of the faculty. The food may be nothing special, the presentation may be nothing special (although I really enjoyed it), but your achievements should be and that's what these banquets are for, to show for it. It's the least that can be done.

So anyway, I'm all happy for a free meal even though I couldn't enjoy it, but I'm even happier to have made my goal of making it on the Dean's list. It took a little longer than I anticipated but I did it. Unfortunately I won't actually be graduating with honours as that is no longer attainable. You win some, you lose some.

On a separate but related note, it's interesting going through Facebook and checking to see who's on the list and who isn't. It's rather surprising... (insert inconspicuous smiley here).

Once again, back to studying.

Damn you 60s!

Hrm. Looks like those 60% marks always come back to me, even when I think I'm doing well. Fortunately they aren't on things that are worth a huge amount... but they still suck.

So the lab report is handed in; no matter how poorly it may be written. Just the awards banquet tonight which will hopefully be a quick dine and dash to study some more for my two 'final' midterms tomorrow. Sometime before 4PM tomorrow I will be completely finished two classes for the term as they have no actual final exam during the examination period. My marks in these two classes are pretty decent and I sure hope I can keep them that way. My bio 444 class (Microorganisms and Disease) is starting to look like it will be tough. Not nearly as straight forward as the midterm was.

Back I go.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My goal of finishing this lab report by midnight wasn't very successful. It's 1:42AM and I'm not done. I don't want to sacrifice more sleep for a pretty useless report. I'm not one to not hand things in as I feel losing marks being late is just plain stupid. You don't always get to "hand things in late" in real life so I figure I should get things done when they're told to be done.

I hate it when people defer exams or ask for extensions. Everyone else is subjected to the same due dates.

Anyway, time to sleep. Gotta get up, go to class, then try to finish this lab report up before class starts again. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to stay awake through all my classes... as hard as I try. Another double-whammy now that I think about it... three hours of class tomorrow will be on things that will be on the two midterms on Tuesday. Gah.

Ironically this is one time where I honestly think skipping out on writing this report would have been worth it. Unfortunately I've put in all this time already I might as well finish it.

Goodnight. (or good morning?)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Home stretch... sort of

Nothing new really in the past few weeks. Finished a couple more midterms and a lab final.

This week peaks with two midterms back to back on Thursday with a lab report due Wednesday and the Dean's Honour List banquet. I worked hard for my free meal so I'm going, even if I have midterms the next day. Tomorrow is another lab final as well. Basically it's my busiest week and then classes end. My final exam period is actually going to be more relaxing than any other time of the term. With only three finals (7th, 14th, and 20th) I should have plenty of time to relax and study and do stellar on the exams.

No update really on optometry school for me yet. I need to get my ass into gear for ICO and PCO which I still haven't completed the process yet... I feel like I'm destroying my chances every day I wait. NECO and SUNY applications have gone out for awhile but I believe SUNY is still waiting on some references...

In other news, I kind of feel like crap. A sort of "unhealthy" feeling that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe just under the weather today.

So here is looking to Thursday when the brunt of the term is over. I fly home the 23rd of December. Not really too sure what to think about going home. I've been away so long it doesn't really feel like home almost. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see the family, but it's the other people that seem to change when you don't see them face to face. I've lost touch. Others have lost touch. There's a reason it's called "losing touch" because you aren't physically close enough.

These days I look forward to go home only because it means I don't have to worry about what midterm is coming up next or what assignment is due. At home I have time to wake up and enjoy not having any plans or obligations to do anything whatsoever. I can play video games all day, watch TV shows and movies. I have my peace.

However, peace is something that I've acquired without knowing it. I went through primary and secondary school with an abundance of friends. I still believe I have an abundance of friends, most likely and realistically less than before. I can't turn on and off the "friend" label like I have a choice but it seems to happen. I don't communicate much and I know that. That has always been me. I don't make small talk and I don't inquire if I don't need to know. It's my burden and I'll live with it. Plain as day. If others choose not to accept it, I guess it's my loss. You can't be the one to lose if you made the choice to give it up.

Another late-night ramble. Coherency is not a strong point during late night blogging. As always whenever I post I think, "I need to do this more often. It feels good to put into words what I'm feeling." yet weeks go by with nothing.

I didn't start this blog hoping that people would swarm to it and read bits and pieces of my life. I started it for myself - I just happened to let anyone in the world see it. I guess it's a little less strange for me than keeping a 'journal'.

Whatever. I'm tired. Sum it up: nothing new, very busy this week, this year feels like the least I want to go home.
