Thursday, March 31, 2005

Spring has sprung

Damn it's nice out now. It's nice and sunny and warm. Yay! It makes me happy.

Yesterday I saw a beaver by the lake and a goose hissed at me.

Only three more quizzes to go, two will be done today, and one assignment. Hooray, and then it's study time.

Anyway, I don't know what else I wanted to put in here but I put something so it's all good.

P.S. Mike K.: Your post is coming soon.

Sunday, March 27, 2005


First self-done hair trim of semester 1B.

I must say I've done much better than first term. I tried to take a pic with my webcam but it doesn't show up to well, not to mention I don't have a before picture.

Anyway, it's Easter long weekend here, as it is for most people in school. Jessica's at her Grandma's place so I thought I'd be productive with my time. I was so wrong. I've ended up watching TV and playing The Sims and The Sims 2 most of my time. What can I say, playing out life in the computer is just so fun. It's been awhile since I've played video games and the mention of DoD in Jeff's and Justin's blogs just makes me want to play even more. For now I'm going to have to stop myself and prepare for finals if I want to keep my marks up [or improve some that are down]. This term is important, it's the term where my marks will show me if I'm finally making the transition to being in university.

It's been a rocky road [mmmm, I remember eating that ice cream all the time... :(] but it's been a journey uphill all the way. So far so good.

It just keeps getting better and better.

I'm going to go eat now.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

The present is better than the past

Ever wonder why we keep things that should just be thrown out?

No. They're gone.

I don't think of the past. The only thing that matters is the everlasting present.
- W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965), The Moon and Sixpence

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

"If I could I would... remove whatever makes you hurt..."

Two in a row!

Wow. This is very odd isn't it?

Well, why not. Even if it's nothing interesting at least I'm updating it, right?

On March 15th, I did my first volunteer work, mostly so I could put it on my resume to look good and all, but in the end I actually felt good about myself. I put so many hours into helping people without pay and I didn't feel like I wasted my time. It just plain makes you feel good. I wonder if my efforts had helped. Hopefully.

Anyway, it's only about 31 days until I fly home on the 22nd. That will mark the beginning of what I can bet to be one interesting and new kind of summer. I just spend the last hour and a half or so catching up on all the blogs I haven't read. I updated the sidebar with the links to all fourteen blogs that I know of so far of people I know. [I forgot someone, please let me know!]

I must say, I've missed out on a lot of things in people's lives, but hopefully that just means there will be lots of stories and time to catch up with people during the summer.

Dammit. I thought I had more to say than this.

Well... I guess that's all for now then.

One of the hardest things I have done is to watch someone hurt and not know how to help.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Twenty Four

The Beatles - I'm Looking Through You

Hello out there.

So I guess I really didn't update sooner than I said I would. Uhhh... I really don't know what I would have put anyway so here goes a little update for you all there dying to know what's going on.

Uh. My parents came to visit me yesterday [both at the same time!]. I got a "newer" laptop instead of my brick I had before.

Nothing else new. I like stuff still. And things. Things are good.

Oh, I got serenaded to yesterday by three guys in my house. I abandoned them for Jessica. The song was the song listed above. Scott was on guitar and Mat and Mike were singing. Jessica was there to enjoy the embarassment, but all in all it was good fun. Not to mention free food. No one can turn down free food, especially when you're running out of meal plan money and your girlfriend has to buy you all your meals. :S

Well, that's all for now, later.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sorry ladies...

The Beatles - Eight Days A Week

My, my, my. Quite the long time since I've last updated this, hasn't it?

Well my fellow readers [atleast those that haven't given up checking already] here it is.

As of March 3, 2005, Eric Alan Woo is no longer single and available. Sorry ladies... and Jeff. [kidding Jeff.] For those wondering, my better half's name is Jessica and yes, goes to the Univeristy of Waterloo and is in Biomedical Sciences with me [same as Pre-Optometry/Pre-Health... new name.] Yes, now I expect the many comments to appear on my blog along with the many messages I will receive over MSN. Yes, many things have changed that I've missed out on in all of your lives but I'm sure it's the same the other way.

There are so many things that I know that are going on in your lives that I read about in your own journals yet I really don't know that much about. Coming back to Calgary in the summer is going to be quite the interesting event. Many things will have changed, some worse, but some definitely better. More than I can imagine.

But for now, ladies and gentleman, I am happy. Things are slowly falling into place in The Life of Woo³. At the same time there are parts that are still unsure... like my marks. Some are up and some are down and others are just no different but I am quite confident in my ability to get into Optometry. I'm shooting for three years.

Anyway, enough of finding things to take me away from doing my work. The next update won't be in so long... I'll try my best.

The best to the rest of you.