Saturday, September 18, 2004

A little information...

[EDIT: My phone number is actually 519-725-6229. Not 519-725-6301]

For those of you that don't know, this is where Waterloo is located.

This is a map of my campus and where my classes/labs/tutorials are located and also a picture of my Fall schedule. Fun stuff.

Anyway, I'm tired. I'll write some interesting stuff later.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Familiar Faces

I've noticed a funny thing that's happened while around campus. Every once in awhile I see someone that reminds me of someone in Calgary. I may not have known the person they look like, or known them well, but at some times I see someone and they look like someone else. I think about it and the first thing I think is my mind is just playing tricks on me but sometimes these people have an uncanny resemblance to that other person.

Anyway, had my second day of classes, the schedule basically alternates every other day with a little variation in Tutorials and Labs. First class Tuesdays and Thursdays are at 8:30 AM. Lordy those are early, but today there was a free pancake breakfast, not nearly as good as Calgary's Stampede breakfasts. ;) Oh well, it was free.

So far the only class I don't like is Calculus. I just can't remember all of that stuff anymore and I finished Math 31 in high school thinking I didn't need it in University. Turns out I did [I knew this awhile ago.] so I'm glad I'm not learning it for the very first time.

I'm so tired, I always say I'll go to bed earlier [and I mean bloody early, like 10PM] but I end up staying up and chilling with people. Afterall, it's the first week and it's not very hard yet, when am I going to have time to spend with my housemates?

Also I need to organize all my crap. My room is a mess and I don't have binders to put stuff in. I was thinking of buying a bunch of clipboards or something seeing as I never really need to bring everything to classes.

Anyway, I'm going to find something to do, productive or not. ;)

PS. I finally changed the poll on the side, and all my post times are in Ontario time [two hours ahead of Calgary].

Monday, September 13, 2004


Yep, with the help of my house residents I snuck into another Orientation week event. This was the last and final event of the week, the Toga Party. I made up for the time I spent gambling and not dancing at Monte Carlo night and danced the whole night this time. It was a Much Video Dance with two giant screens on each side of the stage. I didn't think I'd ever find myself wearing a toga but I did at the last minute. Fun stuff.

I had my first two classes today, I have one more, a Math 127 (Calculus) tutorial at 4:30. They're only fifty minutes each, short but no time wasted taking attendance etc. I can just imagine the non-stop learning environment those will be seeing as we have to cram everything into around 36 hours or so. Just seems like that number is kind of low, but whatever.

Anyway, gotta go find myself a free agenda.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Oh yikes! Here comes the Vikes!

It's been quite the long time since I've posted anything on here. The days have been busy and at the same time, not busy at all. I'm posting now purely because suddenly I felt something inside of me feel different.

With MSN, being far away doesn't feel like being far away. I know whenever I want to talk to someone I can talk to them on MSN. I loved being able to use it because it was a little less personal than talking on the phone and awkward pauses weren't as awkward. Now it just feels... inadequate, perhaps inappropriate. It's just not the same knowing that you can't hear their voice or see their expressions. Sure it's possible to do over the internet, but it just doesn't replace the ability to be with someone in the same room - together. Perhaps people give off a vibe or maybe it's just you know you're within physical distance, maybe it's the smell of their laundry, or the way someone moves. I don't know. I don't know what I'm talking about either. Perhaps I just miss being close to people. Sure, I'm with people all day but it's not the same, I'm not with people that I care as much for, not that I don't.

:P December will come slowly. On that note, I was just thinking about it yesterday and December will be when half of my first year is over. So much can change in that time, so much willchange in that time... I can't even imagine what I'll come back to, if there's something to come back to. Hopes float higher than reality.

Anyway, yeah. Spent quite a bit of time in the lounge watching Cable TV, a luxury I do not have at home. It's kind of confusing because all the channels are different here. I'm the only person in my whole building that is out of province. Anyway, so I'm still on Orientation week (last day is today) but I'm not signed up for either the Faculty or Rez orientations so technically I can't partake in anything. First day was the "free day" where we all get together in chosen rez groups to cheer and represent the group we are in. The goal is to win a giant trophy and bragging rights of having the most spirit. We did some icebreaker things and ran around a big field meeting random people. After that it was pretty much a big and long drawn out pep rally. I snuck into The Day After Tomorrow and got some free popcorn and pop but the best event I snuck into was Monte Carlo night. Basically a night where everyone dresses up as swank as possible and go dance/gamble/drink. The last two are fake though seeing as it's 19 here and not 18. I ended up playing Blackjack all night, I think I have a problem. lol The night was a good excuse to dress up nicely though, which I thoroughly enjoyed. uhh... what else can I say... Oh yeah, last night a bunch of guys had a mini LAN party lol. Yep... dunno.

I guess I'm just feeling a little "friend-sick". The homesick hasn't really hit me yet, living in rez is pretty sweet.

Well, I gotta pee. Later.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Welcome to Waterloo

I've arrived.

I'm just getting settled into my own single room on campus and as you can see, I have internet. Hooray!

Today was basically as follows:

Unload car
Get rez keys
Unload luggage
Shop for random stuff [laundry detergent, stationary, snacks, etc.]
Rez dinner [with my building (and every other Village 1 building all seemingly at the same time)]
Set up computer
Watch Van Wilder with all of Village 1
and now this, some chatting on MSN and of course, blogging.

All in all a very interesting experience. I can't say I've done this before lol. It's just kinda lonely not knowing anyone at all. So far I haven't met anyone from outside of Ontario although my Don assures me there are lots. That's alright, it's only been a few hours. Perhaps I'll meet some people from Calgary. That would be interesting.

I just realized that my side of the building is reaaaaly quiet. I haven't heard or seen any of my close neighbours [doors I can see from my room]. Perhaps that's a good thing for around exams. So far I've only had one person walk in and say hello, but I don't know if they're first year too or not.

Anyway, here's all my info:

Eric Woo
South Two 2nd Floor, Room #S2-207a
Village 1
Box 16460
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON
N2J 4B6

Phone # 519-725-6301

Yep, that's all for now. Miss you all lots.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

For the one person that was the answer to "All I've ever needed."

Miles Apart

If I could I would do all of this again
Travel back in time with you to where this all began
We could hide inside ourselves and leave the world behind
And make believe there's something left to find

We'll be miles apart
I'll keep you deep inside
You're always in my heart
A new life to start
I may be leaving but you're always in my heart

Now we've all grown up, gone on and moved away
Nothing I can do about it, nothing I can say
To bring us back to where we were when life was not this hard (life was not this hard)
Looking back it all just seems so far, so far away

We'll be miles apart
I'll keep you deep inside
You're always in my heart
A new life to start
I may be leaving but you're always in my heart

I'd give it up for just one more day with you
Give it up for just one more day
I'd give it up for just one more day with you

I'd give it up for just one more day with you
Give it up for just one more day
I'd give it up for just one more day with you

I'd give it up for just one more day with you
Give it up, give it all away
I'd give it up for just one more day with you

We'll be miles apart
I'll keep you deep inside
You're always in my heart
A new life to start
I may be leaving but you're always in my heart

I need you now, we're miles apart
I'll keep you deep inside
You're always in my heart
I need you now, we're miles apart
I may be leaving but you're always in my heart


I hope you know who you are.

30 minutes until I leave the house. I didn't have enough time for a lot of the goodbyes I'd said I'd do and I'm sorry I missed to.

See ya, Calgary. I'll be back soon (3-4 months) and I'll have the internet in 2-3 days.

To my closest friends, I love you all. Thank you for everything and save the goodbyes, I'll see you later.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Guy's night

15.5 hours.

Yesterday was a day full of nothing, for the most part. I woke up later than I wanted to missing out on a few hours of a day I could have potentially done something. Didn't miss anything though.

I backed up all the things I wanted to keep on my laptop before it was to be cleaned off, put a few shirts and small tidbits into a suitcase, and then ate some lunch. Some spaghetti, it was okay. I talked to my brother for a bit and when he left my room I didn't feel like getting up so I did what I do a lot - nap. Hrm. Interesting. I just thought about it and that will be the last nap I have in my bed for a long time.

Anyway, after some more moping around my room, I decided to go to Swiss Chalet with Dickie and Jeff. We headed back to Jeff's place and he drilled me a .308 keychain [I'll post a pic sometime] because .308 is at the moment my favourite, mostly because of the Blaser .308 sniper rifle. [I'll post a pic of my target sometime too].

We headed to my place to watch Equilibrium [again for me and Jeff] and then I dropped them off at home. I guess that was Dan and I's farewell since I have no idea what's going to happen today or who I'm going to see.

I just want to see Sarah before I head back home and then way away from here a few hours after.

You mean so much to me and I just can't seem to show it...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Fuck x2.

38 hours to go until I leave for the airport. Then again, take away 7 hours for sleep that night, an hour in the morning, 9 or so for tonight, and that leaves me with about 21 hours left to do anything.


I didn't think it would come to this. I never expected it to sink so low. I thought it would happen, I was assured it wouldn't. I'm far too trusting, only to hurt myself in the end. Perhaps everyone was wrong, perhaps I would have been happier questioning myself, afterall, that is the "norm"...

Let the rollercoaster begin.


Two days left.

That snuck up on me fast. I'm in disbelief right now. These next two days will be the last time I get to spend in Calgary for four months. The last time in four months I will see certain people. The last time things will ever be like they are now.

I just know that there are a lot of things in my life that are so great that just won't be the same when I come back. I can wish as much as I want but it's not up to me. I just don't understand why when something so great comes along, something has to ruin it. When it finally comes to leaving in 52 hours, I don't know how I'm going to take it. I don't know what's going to happen in the next two days, who I'm going to see, how I'm going to feel. I've said it before many times, and I say it again, no matter how grateful I am for this opportunity, I just wish things could be a little different.

It's hard to imagine that a few months ago I was eager and even counting down the days until I would be moving. Oh how things have changed. To be truthful, I've never had any reason to want to stay so badly until now and other than visiting my family, a reason to come back. I wanted to start a whole new life, now all I want is for nothing to change. I guess that's just the way things have fallen into place.

I talked to Dickie about the different possibilities of where I could have been now. First I could have been staying here and going to the University of Calgary for two or more years, instead that progressed to possibly the University of Alberta, and then Queens, and now Waterloo.

Waterloo... I would have ended up going to Waterloo a few years later, but I have to thank Vanessa for where I am today. Without her I probably would be going to the U of C, not that there's anything wrong with that. She talked me into thinking about all the things that I wouldn't miss. I thought long and hard and I never came up with anything that kept me from wanting to leave. My family would always be here, and they would always be there to support me no matter what. Sure, my biggest worry was friends, but at that time, it just didn't seem that big of a deal.

Fuck. Things have changed rapidly in the last few months.

Vanessa's flight to Fredricton left very early Wednesday morning so we, being Dickie, Megan, Jeff, Sarah, and I spent the Tuesday evening/night together for one last time in a long time. Fuck. I was an emotional trainwreck. Vanessa, if you read this, you have no idea how much you've affected me. I wouldn't be the same person today without ever meeting you on the good ol' 729 South. I can never repay you. See you in December, and then perhaps we can do our Spring Break Montreal trip.

Ugh. Two days left of perhaps my brighter days in the life of Woo. There will be more to come, perhaps some better, but it's having to break that lightbulb on purpose that's killing me.

Fifty-two hours of an up and down emotional rollercoaster. Perhaps all that has happened will be worth it... I just know it's going to be hell for quite awhile after.


In other news, perhaps an update.

About five days ago Waterloo emailed me saying they couldn't lift the condition on my acceptance and thus making me not a student to the University of Waterloo. They said that they did not have my final marks from High School. So being quite pissed off and frustrated and after yelling/typing out a few colourful words, I scanned an unofficial transcript and emailed them. Turns out that's all they needed and thus solving a potentially life-changing dilemma in a matter of a few hours.

About four days ago Justin, Alexandra D., and I were in a car accident. From a technical perspective the blame was on Justin, but from my point of view and from other witnesses, it was the other driver's fault. I could bitch and rant about that a lot more but I won't. Anyway, the car hit the back right side of the car where I was sitting, but luckily all the damage went to the side-panel and not the door. The accident left me with a sore elbow and later on some more bruises I found on my leg. The bruises on my leg are doing good but my elbow occasionally gets swore and the bruise sometimes gets aggravated [mostly because I have to move my elbow a lot]. Other than that, everything's good. Truthfully I must say it was quite the interesting thing to experience being in an accident where I watched the car hit us, but I feel for Justin. All the blame is put on him and he doesn't deserve it. Hopefully everything works out.

The 29th and 30th are kind of a blur. I'm pretty sure I spent the 29th with Justin, Jamie, and my brother Ian. We went to lunch at the Chalet between Jeff's split shifts. Everybody go watch Equilibrium. Just do it. Then after I went to Megan's where the baby deep fryer [in French and English] was the amusement. The 30th I have no idea what I did. I'm pretty sure I packed stuff, but I don't think I got much done. Perhaps I'll wake up early and do some more.

Today I drove Justin, Jeff and Ian to The Shooting Edge where we shot a crapload of guns. I got a nice hot brass shell stuck in between my glasses and my eye which gave me a nice burn. It started to peel recently but it was all worth shooting the Blaser .308 sniper rifle. I'm going to decorate my dorm room with targets.

Anyway, I'm wasting time staying up late blogging... how lame am I. Whatever, I'll be doing a lot of this when I return to my normal loneliness. :/

I guess I have 52.5 hours left now [Leave for airport at 8AM Saturday] but then again, I'll be sleeping half of it most likely.

Fuck. That's dissappointing.