Tuesday, May 31, 2005

More importantly....


I'm wasting my days. I need something productive to do. It's crossed my mind to just randomly clean up the rest of the house. Afterall it's something to do that has a noticeable "reward". The numerous applications and resumes I've put in seem to have done nothing for me. I don't know what else to do. I've applied to pretty much any optical place that I would have any chance of getting a job [some where I know I wouldn't have a chance too]. I've also applied to Super Drug Mart, so far nothing, but hopefully Jamie's mom's good words may help me out. Who knows.

An unrelated topic. University has changed me into someone different. It seems I prefer different things now... I don't know what to call it. I mean, now I enjoy cleaning up stuff, organizing... I find video games mundane and boring for the most part. I've willingly cleaned dishes just because I got annoyed with the clutter.

I dunno. I feel like I'm looking farther into the future rather than trying to find something to bide my time in the present. Not that I don't still, I can't explain it.
I just seem to like things that are more life oriented than fun oriented. Sounds dumb but... I just don't know.

Monday, May 30, 2005

58 hours never felt so good

As soon as Jessica arrived, it felt like she was gone already. :( I wish she could have stayed longer. That just means I'll have to make a trip out to Morden. :D

This weekend was definitely my summer highlight. I'm pretty sure the only time that will compare to that will be when I go to Morden.

:) I'm so happy you came, Jessica! Thank you for such a good time!

It's been a little over an hour since I saw you and I miss you already. :(

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Birthday Long Weekend

Ah, that's what I love about my birthday, it's always, or atleast really close, to being on a long weekend. Although, this year it didn't matter seeing as I don't have a job or anything yet [still]. No luck with the resumes... :P I spend my time cleaning up :O. Shocking.

Anyway, long time no update. So for my birthday, Justin, Sandra, John "Dai Lo""Boss", and Alex D. invited me along to go for "lunch" downtown at a Vietnamese place by Harry Hay's. John as usual tried to touch me. I can't help it if I'm that irresistable, even to the men. [Don't touch me.] After that we headed to TD Square or whatever the hell that place is actually called now, the downtown mall, and headed to Pinstripe, a suit store with an unbelievable deal. Starting from $169.99 you can get a full suit, a free shirt, free tie, free socks, free shoes. Like, wtf? Yeah.

After that I headed up to New Dynasty where I met Ian, my dad, my grandparents who were out here from Kingston, and my Aunt and Uncle with my two cousins. It was hard to eat being so full from a late lunch, but I managed to stuff food down. Saw Mike H. working and he got us all our drinks free, thank you very much. After we headed to our Aunt's and we played with the kids for awhile.

Sure tired me out, but we still headed out to Shawn's [Sean?] for a small party with John, Justin, Alex D, and Mike H with a short appearance of Brendan. Some good times, lots of spilling of liquids.

Yesterday, on Victoria Day [May 23], Jeff, Kevin and I headed to Nottingham's. I was DD so it was bound to be a fun night. Four pitchers, 30+ song, some food, and tons of popcorn and pop later we headed out. Not before we played some pool though. Alright, picture this, Kevin is lining up a shot on one corner to the complete opposite corner. Jeff hits Kevin's cue and as drunk as Kevin is, he can't hold on. The cue smashing the cue ball into the ball he was aiming for, they both sink, and then the cue flies through the air almost impaling me in the crotch. After that, the cue ball somehow got lost in the pool table and never came out. Good times. Oh,and about a completely different shot, this is for Jeff, "I could have made that shot with a shot of heroin up the ass." I'm sure you could have. lol

Once we were kicked out at about 3:45 [we left a good tip] we tried to find food. With no luck we went on some crazy adventures, some of which they may not remember. There was no P-Cupping but just as good, but not by me haha.

On a last note, you know those little construction signs with the blinky things on top? Those are cool.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Happy Birthday...

...to me! :D

Friday, May 20, 2005

A productive day

Well, I still got up around noonish but I decided to do atleast something today. First I cleaned out my closet a tiny bit, moved some boxes around and cleared out a spot to pull a couch out for myself to sleep when Jessica comes by. I polished three pairs of shoes, well, polished one well, another sort of, and the third less than half-ass. I shoe gooed one of them to fix the falling off bottoms, and then after that I went to hand in some more resumes. I dropped one off at Super Drug Mart where Jocelyn works, and I hear Dan T. also works there too. All thanks to Jamie who suggested it [her mom is one of the pharmacists], so if I don't get anything atleast I may have a backup... if not more resume dropping off. :P Another resume was dropped of at Spectacles up in Crowfoot, but that place doesn't look like it would need my kind of help... and another was The Eyesite, also up in Crowfoot. That one is thanks to Heather for suggesting it. :)

Quite the wonderful surprise to hear that one of my first regular readers is still actually reading the Woo's blog. Here's a shout out to you, Heather. I never seem to be at the computer when you're online so, "Hey." :)

So back to my day, while I was at Super Drug Mart, I bumped into Jamie. Her and I went to Peter Lougheed Hospital to see Jocelyn who's recovering from jaw surgery. Headed back home, watched... actually I don't really know what I watched. Chatted on MSN I guess, I dunno. Watched the CSI finale, damn, that was good.

Yep, that's about it. Sorry if this was a boring "Look what I did today!" kind of blog, but really, no job, nothing to do, it's as exciting as it gets.

Jessica arrives in a week! :D

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Looks like my goal of finding a job I'll really enjoy is slowly going down the tubes. Shoppers Optical called me yesterday for a phone interview and it got to about three questions before it stopped.

"Do you have time for a phone interview?"
"Are you currently employed?"
"Are you looking for part time or full time employment?"

I was slow on the draw. If only I had gotten off my fucking ass earlier to find a job even though I thought that a few weeks off would have been nice, which it was, then perhaps I would have one. [that I wanted] I've learned my lesson this summer.

Turns out Shoppers Optical is looking for full time associates to fill in for when all the summer students go back to school. Apparently they just had a huge "turn-over". Maybe they should take off the "PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE".

Good news is the person I was talking to said she would pass my resume on to the optometrist that they work jointly with. Hopefully something comes out of that... but I doubt it. She said that he normally needs help in the summers but said "I don't know how far in your studies you are, but you may not hear from him." So basically I shouldn't wait.

Ugh. I want to complain about how I don't have the job I want but I know it's mostly my fault. Sometimes though I wonder why it's so hard for people to get the job they want, or perhaps it's just me. If everyone got the job they wanted then everything would be so much better for everyone. People would enjoy their jobs, there would be less bitching between employees and employers and less conflicts with customers and clients.

It's funny how last year when I had a job, I wanted a little experience but mainly worked for the money. That was easy. Now all I want is the experience and money isn't an issue. Still looking...

It's also funny how all the volunteer opportunities seem to be somewhere waaaay the fuck down in I've-never-heard-of-that-part-of-Calgary-land. It's even funnier that there isn't anything open for a 18-64 year old individual applicant looking for volunteer opportunities in the North West with a commitment time of less than six months.

Fuck. So basically it's down to this: If I want a job I want, basically in the related field [meaning something to do with EYES in case you've been wondering what this whole "job I want" was], I either have to be IN Optometry, which won't happen if I don't have the RELATED JOB EXPERIENCE. Be a Licensed Optician, which I'm not. Or, know someone that can get me a job, which I don't.

Perhaps it's a little early. Afterall I'm only just finished first year of Pre-Optometry Biomedical Sciences, which to most people's retarded remarks means I'm a fucking genius at everything and anything about the eye. Next summer I'll know to apply as soon as possible, if so, somehow arrange it before I'm even in Alberta. But if possible, perhaps find a job in Waterloo since I'll have a house for four months that we'll be paying for anyway. If I'm not there I'll have to look for someone to sublet. Of course, the problem with finding a job in Waterloo is I'm limited to very little means of transportation... not to mention anyone and everyone, it seems, in Waterloo science wants to be a fucking Optometrist. Therefore I've got more fish to compete against in a smaller body of water. [Fuck, I hate that analogy...] Spring courses at Waterloo is also an option, which is most likely what I'll do, and so is Spring courses at SAIT in Calgary to actually try and become a Licensed Optician, or perhaps Dispensing Optician... if that's not the same thing. Apparently it's available their in contrast to what the website says according to the sales associates I've talked with at Shoppers Optical. They all seem to be taking it in addition to their regular studies. Perhaps that's the field for me if I can't cut it to be an Optometrist, it's sure something I would like to do and enjoy. It may not pay the same but if I enjoy it and it's the best I can do, fine.
But on the other hand, that just doesn't cut it. If that's all I end up doing, selecting, measuring, suggesting and dispensing frames to people, that's a disappointment in life. I want to help people, I don't want to make getting frames easier and enjoyable.
There's Med School too. There's definitive rewards to what you do in a field like that that I would love, but frankly, I can't cut it doing half the courses I would need now just to get into Optometry [which is ironically harder to get into than Med School because of size].

Ugh, there's another shitty topic which I've discussed many times. Probably one too many now. My marks. I always wonder what's happened to those people that I've read or heard about that had "bad" marks their first year or how their first year was a real "wake up call". What exactly were those "bad" marks and are they doing what they want now? or are they just like me, bitching about how they couldn't cut it?

My Optometrist said to me that his first year was a "real wake up call". Now I realize it, he only had one year pre-requisite, he couldn't have done that bad if he's an Optometrist now. Then again, demand for, and want to be Optometrists weren't as high as they are now.

Well, I guess as it is now, I'm following the same path as many others, try my best, do as well as I can, apply to Optometry a few times, apply to the States. Then again, everyone else has experience with Optometry and their bad marks are 80's and 90's.

What exactly is the point of this life lesson? To show that not all prospective students that are deemed to go far by their peers and mentors will go far? You hear of only the ones that got into Optometry, and never about the ones that never did. Ironically over two thirds don't get in. I guess we'll just end up with useless degrees that can get us nowhere or perhaps start another path in education and throw out those four years.

Perhaps we'll be working together as nobody's in the back of some retail store. If so, I'll see you there.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Today's lesson in food preparation...

Humans try to make things easier and quicker. Let's take "instant foods". I had a few of those sausage patty things in the freezer. "Only takes ten minutes to cook!"

I read the instructions and it says cook over medium on a lightly greased frying pan. I decide to use a toaster oven. Not only that, I decide to grill it instead of fry it. So let's say 15 minutes later I've got myself some soggy cooked greasy as hell sausage patties. The pan underneath collecting all the oil is burned to hell so I decide, "Fuck it." I'm frying these sweet bitches on that burned crap.

In the end, they turned out nice, brown and dee-lish.

I'm going to stick with microwave food next term.


I need income so I feel better with myself for spending money. Job, where are you?

Timmy Ho's

Woke up, watched X-Men 2, Jeff messaged me to eat, showered and got dressed [6:30PM], headed to Nazi Wendy's [explained here]. Went to Jeff's, shot his BB gun with laser pointer, shot some zombiesm called up people to no avail. Got Kevin, went to my house, watched Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels [awesome], got Justin and Mike, headed to THE WORST TIM HORTON'S EVER. No Iced Caps, no double chocolate cheesecake "Oooooohhhh!" things, no sandwiches, French Vanilla is not acceptable as a free "donut" tab, nor is a chocolate cinnamon bun-like thing for a donut. Fuckin' bastards. But the guy was cool, he was like an asian, "What size coffee would you like? Small, medium, large, extra large... I would exploit this as much as possible and get the extra large." "Do you want that coke in a can or bottle? The bottle is bigger." Anyway, hung out there for a few hours. Then I dropped people off, picked up gas, forgot to put the stupid gas cap in, lol. That gas cap is the best fucking gas cap. It stayed on the trunk for a good while.

Anyway, I'm tired and I drank an extra large hot chocolate without my pills. Shit. In more ways than one.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Before & After

Well, my room is pretty much clean, visibly.

Here are the Before and After shots.

As you will notice I moved around some furniture. I took out one shelf from my room because it wasn't needed anymore. You can see the before room here.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
No more posters, stereo moved, drawers rearranged (same with bed) and that chair is no longer in my room.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
There's that shelf that's no longer in my room. Instead a nice office chair instead. Bed has moved, so has the desk. That wall unit isn't acting as a wall unit anymore either.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Heh, all my luggage is unpacked. There's the wall unit before and my bed now. (There's a teddy bear sleeping in my bed!) ;)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
The wall unit before and after (different location).

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
A shelf next to my bed, actually the back of my desk.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
No difference in these really except for my closet. I forgot to take a picture of it open before so you'll never know how much crap was really in there. Let's just say you literally couldn't see any wall. (I have over 40 collared shirts.) I also haven't bothered to take down all those little pictures of "celebrities". :P

I think that's about all!


I was taking a look at a sample admissions form to the School of Optometry for the University of Waterloo.

Let me tell you, a little disconcerting. :P

Friday, May 13, 2005


Looks like after all my cleaning up of my room, my brother and my mom both are kind of in the cleaning mood. Our house is every so slightly getting cleaner and cleaner and for those that have seen it lately know that that is quite the accomplishment.

I was going to take pictures of my room today to post on here but turns out the digital is out with my dad somewhere. Instead I decided to organize the crap out in the hallway [since most of it is mine that I moved from my room] so that we can either throw it out, move it somewhere else :P or donate/give away. Already we've donated a few giant bags full of clothes to the Cerebral Palsy Association and we still have more we could. I also started to organize my mp3s and delete some other crap lingering around on my hard drive. My MSN chat logs alone take up 61.57mbs. Not much but for just text that's pretty hefty. I think it's time to delete some sometime. For now I'm clearing out my drawers in my desk so I can eventually use them. My closet however is another story.

PS: This is far long overdue.

Where'd I go?

This was posted up on my door on my dry-erase board in Waterloo by Mike (Yat-Fai) K. who lived down the hall. Apparently I had disappeared and he was right. lol

Mike enjoys soccer, more specifically Liverpool as you can see him parading around the GTA in red. He also enjoys playing video games such as Half-Life 2 and SW:KOTOR and playing his guitar. He is a big fan of Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and when he first met me he thought I was gay.

Apparently "No straight man is that fashionable."

Nothing homosexualness, Mike.


The only good fruit, is a fruit loop.

Yes, that's right. I'm eating Fruit Loops. mmmm.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mark recap... and some bitching/whining.

Chem 123 - 95.37% to 77% - 18.37% drop
Chem 123L - 91.36% to 75% - 16.36% drop
Math 125 - 90.625% to 84% - 6.625% drop
Biol 139 - 68.81% to 69% - 0.19% rise (rounding I'm sure)
Biol 273 - 81.9% to 73% - 8.9% drop
Phys 112 - 80.77% or 87.692% to 74% - 6.77% or 13.692% drop
Phys 112L - 80.5% to 71% - 9.5% drop

That gives me a term average of 75% and a cumulative of 73.840. Not quite good enough to even apply to Optometry yet. [Not that I can until after second year.]

And just for fun... yeah fun, that's a total of 66.625% or 73.447% percent loss and a gain of 0.19%. That's a 38656.316% ratio between gain and loss.


For now I am waiting to see if I get lucky enough to even get an interview with either Shoppers Optical or Lenscrafters as a sales associate. My only chance however seems to be Shoppers and it still seems like a long shot. Frankly I feel as though I should just apply to other places but I just don't want to work at places that don't interest me. I could apply to places like Mexx, Banana Republic, etc. but frankly it's all bitch work. Pardon my choice of terms. I don't really need the money, although I'd like it but I need the experience. Specifically "related field" experience. All the volunteer opportunities I've seen or that have interested me are either open to only certain people or are too damned far away.

Shrug. I don't know what I'm going to do but at the moment things look bleak.

On another subject, my room has been for the most part cleaned and I rearranged my furniture in my dorm size room. Perhaps I shall just shuffle away all the crap away temporarily and post the pictures of my "new" room.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."

Yesterday my brother, two of his friends, Justin, Sandra, Jeff, Calder, Darryl for a bit, and I went Back To The Future.

Of course, I'm talking about the trilogy. We watched it in Calder's new home theatre room and like the first time seeing the movies, they were great. Before the third of the installment, we headed over to Wing's Chinese Take-out for some... well, Chinese take-out.

Good eats, good movies, good times. I suggest to anyone else out there to rent or perhaps buy the Back To The Future trilogy.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A very welcomed visitor

:D Jessica's coming to Cowtown!
