Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I'm drinking hot chocolate

Just woke up about a half hour ago. Decided to post something in here, not much else to do. I'm drinking some hot chocolate and there's a muffin with my name on it in the kitchen.

Last night Mike W, and I went to Jamie S's just to chill out before she goes to her cottage in BC for a week. Jeff showed up later cuz he didn't get to go hang out with "the love interest". Looks like they've got something planned for tonight though.

I like watching this whole thing unfold. It's like one of those reality TV shows but it actually is reality. ha. So... I'm lame. It's an interesting time for relationships. I know people that have been a couple for so long that I wonder what will happen once this summer's over. I know some of them will be going to the same Universities, so that's not too bad, but others are splitting completely apart. Then there are the relationships that are just starting, not only romantically but as friends. We have two months left to get to know each other and in two months, a lot can happen. After two months, so much more can happen. I just wonder if half, if not most of the people we know now will even be a part of our lives and memories later on. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there that I have barely met or have only spent a little time with that have changed something about me. Friendships and acquaintances are important to us... I know there is a really small group of people, if not person, that I became friends with that I owe dearly. I'm sure they've made me angry, made me laugh, made me cry. I've always learned something more about myself each time.

Sometimes I just think that once we go out seperate ways we might just drift apart. I've had friends that have just disappeared from my life, but it's just not the same. Friends have made me who I am today and who I will be tomorrow. I love you guys for that, and I thank you.

And to the one that was always there when I needed to talk to someone, when I needed to rant, and when I needed to cry. You listened to every word, and every once in awhile smacked me with the truth. I can not thank you enough.

Never refuse any advance of friendship, for if nine out of ten bring you nothing, one alone may repay you. - Madame de Tencin

That was a really emo post...

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Movie Night Monday #1

Featured Movie: The Blair Witch Project

It's amazing how lame a movie can get after 5 years. I remember when that movie came out it was all hyped up and it was actually pretty cool. Watching it now is like, "Uh, sticks, eh?" That was a little disappointing and made the night kinda lame but the whole purpose was to scare the crap out of Sarah C and we did. The night started at nine, that's when people started arriving, but some things came up and we waited until around 10:45 to start the movie. It was a nice handful of people, next time I'll have to position the seats better to fit you guys in nicer. All that were there were Justin K, Mike W, Sarah C, Jeff M, Dickie, Vanessa M, Ian W, Caitlin M, Kevin F, and I. I actually forgot about snacks, sorry about that. Some host. :P

Overall I think the night was okay. It was something for people to do. Kevin came up with the next movie, 28 Days Later for the next Movie Night Monday. This time it'll start around 10 or so, that way most people are off work etc. Hopefully it goes better.

On Tuesday, today, I woke up at 7 in the morning to go to the airport where we met Terence F at gates A to see him off before he goes to Hong Kong for two months. When he gets back I'll probably be moving in a week if not sooner. The strange coincidence is that after we said goodbye to Terence, Jocelyn S spotted me while she was in line to check her luggage in. I was thinking yesterday, "I'm going to the airport, I wonder when she is." but I didn't actually expect to see her. It was nice to see her too since she'll be getting back August 10th and I'll only have around two weeks to see her before I possibly never see her again... :(

Hrm... I say these things but it doesn't seem to hit me yet that I'm moving away. I can think that I won't see a lot of people ever again but I just don't get that, "Woah." feeling. I've got lots of time to spend time with people this summer. Besides, I'm sure the people I hang out with this summer will be the people I'll remember rather than the ones I see every once in awhile at school in the hallways.

Anyway, my Chef Woois done and I'm gonna go watch some old tapes of All-Stars Survivor. A whole season of reality TV missed! [oh yeah, I should add that to Interests... I'm a Reality TV whore.]

Monday, June 28, 2004

No bloggy long time.

I think it's been around four days since I've updated my blog. Last time we had our little LAN which actually continued on a few days. From the 24th right after school until the 26th where it died around 3 something in the afternoon since I was at work.

That day was Justin K's 18th Birthday. I ended up going to bed around 8:40 AM and I had to work at 11:45. I went to work for the second time in a month since I took the time off for exams with around two hours of sleep. That was fun. :P I came home and sat around for a bit and thought I should take a nap - only lasted about an hour before I got picked up to go to Brewsters in Crowfoot for dinner with Justin and a whole bunch of friends. That was the part of the party where the minors could come celebrate with us. After that, we headed on down to Tequila on 17th. We took the trusty ol' City Transit down since there weren't enough seats in vehicles to drag us down there. It was Justin K, Vanya K, Kevin F, Terence F, Christine F, and I on the bus where we later on met Laura Z [Also celebrating her Birthday (which was on the 21st)], Kyle A, Jay K, Lee D ["Import"], and Kevin R at the Brentwood Station. At Tequila, we got into the VIP entrance with no line-up and inside we met Heather R, Tina M, and Lindsay H. What a blast Tequila is. We left around two in the morning I believe, thanks to Terry, Terence's... cousin? But anyway, I got home and it was sleep, sleep, sleep until...

*Badaloomp* MSN wakes me up again around 4 something PM. [I have a laptop in my room hooked up to my stereo so I can listen to music when I go to sleep.] Turns out it's Jeff M. seeing if I was down for a Barbecue down in Bowness Park. I headed out, picked up, Jeff, Mike W [the one from Australia], and Justin K. There we met Kris P, Evan R ["Robo"], Kevin F, a bit later Megan F, Sarah C, Vanessa M, Caitlin M, Jamie S, Jocelyn S, and Emily D. We played a bunch of Frisbee {R.I.P. 1337 Frisbee :(] and some jackass kids stole a bunch of our stuff. [Read all about it here. ] After that we headed to Mike's house, minus Robo, Kris, Jamie, Cailtin, Emily and Jocelyn and met up with Dickie. First thing that happened was Jeff lost his glasses in the bushes and now he's coming to Tequila with us on Thursday because I found them for him [he doesn't like the whole dancing thing.][Again, here. ] Caitlin is also coming with us because she's never been to a bar or nightclub since she turned 18 [February 28th! (I hope I got that right)] As Jeff and Jamie would put it, we're "Breaking her in." haha. By the end of the night, or early morning that is, we pretty much just played some pool and finished watching some Band of Brothers so we just sat around talking etc. Most people had left already. [We scared the crap out of Sarah as she left.]We left and picked up Justin K's computer from my house and then I pretty much just talked on MSN a bit and then went to sleep.

Today I woke up, played some video games, and then started blogging. That's about it. However, this evening shall be filled with screams, shrieks, and maybe some kicking people in the head or putting their arms in other people's shirts... mainly by Sarah C. ;) I will be hosting a "Movie Night Monday!" where we will watch The Blair Witch Project and possibly another movie. Hopefully everything works out.

I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the blog this time!

An update on the poll for last week, Are you moving away for your Post-Secondary Education?
Most of you are staying at home [6],
None of you are going to Rez within the City,
A couple of you are moving within the province [2], and
a bunch of you are moving out of province [4].

Good luck to all of you on your Post-Secondary education.

This week's poll will be, "So far, how would you say your Summer has been going?
[Check it out on the right to the bottom a bit.]

Friday, June 25, 2004

Where one ends, another begins.

School is finally over [well, it was yesterday] and summer has just started. Actually it did yesterday but I've been up all night playing video games [another LAN] - something I haven't done in ages [minus a week or so ago]. This time it's Justin K, Mike H, Jeff M, and both brothers, although the middle brother [I'm youngest] uses a Mac so he can't really join us. Tomorrow, well today, Mike W from Australia and Terence F will join us. I'll be picking Mike up after work, it'll be the first time I've seen him in a year.

I wrote my last exam today, Chemistry 30. Not bad, but then again I won't know until July. I'm not worried, I'm just glad it's over. I can't believe it's over... Perhaps I'll do something different this summer. I guess I kind of want another/second job to make some more moola. Hrm, I'm gonna miss a lot of people. I probably won't see many of them ever again, and more once I move, including some of my closest friends. It's sad but I'll hopefully be able to make the most of the time left in Calgary.

Hrm... I thought I had more to add to this, but I guess not. uhh... more links on the right and vote in the poll if you haven't yet!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


Finally, English is over. I wrote the English 30-1 diploma final today, not too bad, but then I again I think that all the time and end up getting a 60-something percent. Oh well. I'm just glad that's over.

Afterwards we went to Moxie's with Sarah C, Robyn R, Heather W, and Danielle E, where we got some crappy service from "Jesse H". Slow drinks, attitude, she even talked about us "behind out backs" [two feet away] imitating Robyn as being snotty asking for refills. We left a nice tip... After we called up Moxie's and talked to the manager (twice) about her and another for being hung up on while put on hold. Good stuff.

After that, pretty much just headed to Justin K's place and did some studying/talking about random stuff.

Social 30 diploma's tomorrow. Ugh. That's going to suck no matter how hard I study.
That's pretty much all for now. The blogging has been going slow since I started to do these exams, but after that all the fun begins.

Check out the links to some other blogs of people from Bowness.

Jeff Macarone's
Amy Gagne's
Everett Scott's [He still hasn't posted anything :P]
Emily DeWolfe's I dunno if I spelled that right of it you go by Fofonoff [dunno if I spelled that right either... :P]
Danielle Eley Don't really know her too well but we've hung around a few times! :D
These will also be permanently linked just above the poll on the right.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Exam cram!

Well, about to head to bed seeing as I have a diploma exam tomorrow.
It goes a little something like this:
English 30-1 tomorrow morning, Social 30 Wednesday morning, and then the final exam, Chemistry 30 in the afternoon. Let's hope these are all pretty easy [all part B's (multiple choice)].
Then afterschool on Thursday, Justin's bringing his computer over again and on Friday I have to work from 5:00 - 9:45. I won't be able to meet Mike W. at the airport but I'm thinking I'm gonna go pick him up and he'll bring his computer over to my house and we'll geek it up like the good ol' days.

Saturday! Well, it's Justin K and Laura Z's birthday bashes. I believe for Justin's we're going to Brewsters so the minors can come along and then after everyone's meeting at Tequila. That's where Laura's going. Hopefully some more fun times and I'll finally have another Nightclub to compare to the Whiskey.


Monday, June 21, 2004

Poll Question #2

For the week of Jun. 21st to 28th the new poll question is...

"Will you be moving away for your Post-Secondary Education?"

Please venture down and right to answer the poll! Thanks!

[Update: 5:48PM 06/21]
Results from the last poll: How many times a week do you read this?

Can't get enough came out on top with 6 votes. (thanks!)
1-2 came in second with 2 votes
and Never (first time), 3-4, and 5-6 all tied with 1 vote.
Total of 11 votes.

Not or Not?

So Hot or Not changed the way votes are weighted and most scores took a big dip. My "I'm-Okay-With-A-6.9" dropped to 4.8 :(

"You are hotter than 42% of the men on this site!"
[ 597 votes ]

Here's the old post "Hot or Not?"

Sunday, June 20, 2004


MSN conversation between Sarah and Jeff (Gumbi). Sarah gets scared by anything, so Jeff changed his MSN picture.

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
Are you mad at me?
Sarah (here comes that rainy day feeling again) says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
Did i do something stupid when i was drunk?
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
I'm sooo sorry
Sarah (here comes that rainy day feeling again) says:
no you pasted that zombie
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
Where is a zombi?
Sarah (here comes that rainy day feeling again) says:
it was on your friken pictuer thing
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
Sarah My come has been doing weird things lately
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
Sarah (here comes that rainy day feeling again) says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
It'll go to these weird site with out me
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
and like do things me making it
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
It's like it's Haunted or Something
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [Walking Wounded] says:
Sarah (here comes that rainy day feeling again) says:

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Vanessabration Vol. 3

Happy Birthday to Vanessa!

Got back from celebrating Vanessa's 18th at Boston Pizza's Lounge (Crowfoot). A nice handful of people showed up. A nice bill, around $216 or something like that? VLT machines... interesting. Vanessa's Blowjob (the drink!) hahaha. As always, the pool playing.

Then the long walk home. Jeff was pretty drunk so we walked him home although he insisted he could do it himself, which I'm sure he could have, but just to be safe. I think that took like an hour and a half, but then again I have no idea when we left BP's.

It's fun scaring people on the walk home. ;)

So a total of 6 people read this, more than I expected. :P I do this out of boredom and self expression and I guess a way of seeing more of me than people know. The poll's on the right side a little bit down for those that possibly haven't noticed it. I think I'll be changing it Sunday or Monday. If anyone has any suggestions, put it in a comment (it will prompt for a username and password but you can just click "Post anonymously" underneath. Yep... aboop!

Friday, June 18, 2004

I'm away taking a pooba. Please leave a message after the aboop!

So these two days went from geek to partying it up.

Getting back from Chinook mall, I headed out to Heather's birthday party at the Whiskey. That place is sweet, AND it was Ladies' Night. ;) I didn't expect to know anyone else there but Heather, but I did and ended up having a TON of fun. Thanks Heather! and Happy Birthday (still! haha) Thanks for inviting me, I know you're reading this and I still owe you a drink. Oh yeah, haha, turned out I was the only guy that fit the dress code when we got there. Oh boy, fun was had. Especially at Heather's. Ahh great party.

Sorry to everyone I went to the mall with, to Vanya, and to Darti for I guess ditching out on them. :P It's her birthday!

Haha, so I just calculated I spent 5 bucks on tips... on like, 31.50

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Woot. Mini LAN

For any of you non-geeks out there, LAN stands for Local Area Network. In this case, where you hook up computers to play video games. Yep... sounds geeky but ya can't knock it 'till ya try it. That is if you enjoy slaughtering Nazi's and Americans at the wee hours of the morning.

I decided that yeah, school has just ended, I really don't want to study, so why not play some games. Justin K's over right now and we just finished around 7 hours of DoD (Day of Defeat). Good thing we don't have tests tomorrow (well, I guess that means today).

Anyway, off I go.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

School is OVVVVEERRRR!!!!

No more public school system! :D and :(
It's a happy and sad day since we no longer have to go to school but will also no longer see many people ever again...
Not many people showed up and I didn't really get any signatures, I got a little lazy. I kinda regret that. Oh well, I got some photos and I'll see people at my other exams hopefully.

That's it. No more school. I don't know what to say... I'm going to miss a lot of people.


*drum roll*

Calculus final test mark iiiisssss..... 55% *roar of the crowd*

So that brought my 93% in-class average down to a 85%. :P Seven percent drop, ah well. I tried, not to mention I don't need the class, it's still Honours, and it's definitely not one of my worst marks. [hoorah Social! (80%)]
If I come out of grade 12 with nothing under 80% I'll crap my pants in joy. My only class that I've ever had come out undr 80% was Physics 30. I took it in second semester of grade 11 :P. I went into the diploma (back then only one test, no Part A or B) with an 86% and came out with a 79%. I got 72% on the diploma... and 79% is just one percent under Honours. Grr. I'm pretty sure I'll be adding two more classes to the non-honours list though. [English 30-1 (83%) and Social 30 (80% with the 0.7% boost from Mrs. Lloyd, thanks!)]

Ahh! Chemistry 30 Part A (written) tommorrow morning! Back to studying.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Woot for Waterloo

Just received in the mail a Certificate of Distinction from the University of Waterloo. Basically just a piece of paper that says Certificate of Distinction to Eric Woo for outstanding achievements in high school. Something along those lines...


On another note, looks like three, that's right, three people read my blog! According to votes on the poll that is. (scroll down a bit to the right) hehe, props to whoever "can't get enough" of my daily life. ;)

Monday, June 14, 2004

Calculus is oooovvverrr!

Hurrah! Let the people rejoice! :P

Wrote the Math 31 final today in last period, plus an hour afterschool. I didn't think it was going to be easy but not too hard. Well, it was bloody impossible. That was by far the hardest test we have had all year, infact, it was the second hardest math test I have ever done in my life (next to the Euclid Math Competition... still haven't gotten those results yet).

Grrr.... Thankfully it's only worth 20% so even if I get a 60% on it I'll still have around 86. Hrmm...

100% = 94.4%
75% = 89.4%
50% = 84.4%
25% = 79.4%

Heh, I guess not much to worry about.

Check out the poll on the right side (scroll down a bit). Once I can edit my profile (maintenance issues) I'll put the post up there. If you want, list some suggestions on the comment of what you'd like to see polled (if anyone out there reads this) plus how often you want it changed.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Hot or Not?

Haha. Score. I finally hit 7 on Hot or Not.
[ Update: Back to 6.9 :( ]

"You are hotter than 67% of the men on this site!" lol right...
[ 541 votes ]

Image Test

Grad Banquet shizzle.

Aftergrad shizzle.

Clicken ze here for möhr.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

DD #4

People: Jeff M., Dickie(2nd DD), Kevin F., and Steve P.(later on)
Where: Bugaboo

Let's see... P-Cup #2 at Wendy's again. This time 6 spots taken up instead of 3. Uhhh... For Sale by Realtor, Vote Conservatives, Enmax pylons, Timmy Ho's. Wendy's garbage flying out of Dickie's truck all night... hahahahahahaha Baby Stroller and the guy rolling around with his dog at 3 am. Funny shit.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Memory Lane

So I was talking to Robyn W., also from Fort McMurray and it just clicked that, hey, she probably went to school with some of my old classmates. Turns out she did. Boy did the memories flood back. I just want to go back and visit everything, from my school, my old house, the tennis courts, the field behind Mrs. Hansford's house, the open fields between the houses (which probably aren't there anymore *tear*), the "ghetto library" haha. Shit, I just want to see everything again. I want to see what's still the same, what's different. I want to walk from my house to my school again, find the spot where my brother's friend stomped on the pudding and it splashed all over him, walk the paths we had in the forest across the street on field trips, see the playground again...

Oh how I miss Fort Mac. I've lost contact with all my old friends and I haven't been back ever since I left...

Sigh... I will go back, hopefully before I move out East. I will go back...

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Sleep is for the weak

I am one of the weak.
This past few days have consisted of me coming home and just sleeping. I must be making up for lost time. Although this sleep is nice, I hope it doesn't prevent me from studying enough. It just feels so nice...

In other news, I received a $1000 entrance award from the University of Waterloo. Woot. Also today I wrote the Part A of my Social 30 diploma examinations. That leaves four more diplomas (Part B of English and Social, A and B of Chem) and one Calculus final to go. Last one is on the 24th and then I'm going to sleep forever. :P

Oh yeah, Mrs. Lloyd nominated me for an award, how nice. :)

Some important dates:
Jun. 11 - Fri. - Chemistry 30 In-Class Final Exam
Jun. 16 - Wed. - Chemistry 30 Part A - Written
(9:00am - 10:30am)
Vanessa M's and Heather R's 18th birthday.
Jun. 17 - Thu. - Heather R's 18th Party
Jun. 18 - Fri. - Vanessa M's 18th Party
Jun. 21 - Mon. - Laura Z's 18th Birthday
Jun. 22 - Tue. - English 30-1 Part B - Multiple Choice
(9:00am - 12:00noon)
Jun. 23 - Wed. - Social Studies 30 Part B - Multiple Choice
(9:00am - 11:30am)
Jun. 24 - Thu. - Chemistry 30 Part B - Multiple Choice
(1:00pm - 3:30pm)
Jun. 25 - Fri. - Mike W. arrives in Calgary from Australia
(Around 6:45pm)
Jun. 26 - Sat. - Justin K's 18th Birthday
Jul. 7 - Wed. - Mike W's 18th Birthday

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

In and out of consciousness

Ugh, got home and ended up just laying there drifting in and out of sleep, even while talking on MSN. So tired, don't want to study...

Yeah, turns out I am studying. It's starting to worry me, this social diploma that is. I just hope the question's a pretty broad question, like one where I can pretty much rewrite an essay we've done before.

Back I go, before I fall asleep again...


NOOO! "Tampa Bay is so gay!"

Argh, friggin' Tampa Bay won the Stanley Cup with 2 versus our 1 scored in the last ten minutes. The refs were out to make us lose, especially Fraser. Every fucking time he reffed, we lost. Such bullshit. We had like, 2 power plays to their, what, 7? Fuuuck. The dome was friggin' rocking though. When we scored that goal, the dome wasn't silent until the end. Man, what a dissapointment. I saw a lot of teary eyes at the dome after that. Arrrrgh. That's when we headed down to 17th Ave. Many were leaving as we were arriving, but nonetheless, the party started back up. So many people, so much red, so many cops. I was quite surprised at the extreme minimal amount of rowdiness.

We went to the Ship & Anchor where we had some nachos, played some darts and the rest had some drinks, whom we met up with randomly walking down the street. (Vanya, Christine, Ari) We saw so many people that night, although I didn't see many of the people I expected to see.

Argh, so frustrating. Stupid Tampa, they don't deserve it.

Scott, you made some good chants for 17th. lol


Sunday, June 06, 2004

D-Day: 60th Anniversary


Fuck Tampa Bay!

That's a good chant. Good job, Jeff.

Looks like it's game seven to win the cup. We'll just get to humiliate the Bolts on their home ice.
At Boston Pizza in Crowfoot we got a nice booth to sit in. It was, Jeff, Sarah, Kevin, Jason (Kevin's brother), Mason, Rob, and Chevy that all went.
That was nice getting puke on the shoes... :P

Then we went to "The Day After Tomorrow", pretty good movie. Some lame parts but that was just funny, along with "All the blood's going to his penis!" - Kevin. I love disasters so that movie was just plain cool.

"Yikes." - Sarah. haha.

Ah good times.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

DD #3

People: Jeff, Kevin, and Dickie
Where: The Last Straw, Tuscany

I think I downed about 4 iced teas... man did I pee a lot. Good times with pool, Jeff and Kevin killed us. hahaha "Asslete" and that other joke no one can remember, good stuff, had to be there.

Let's see... no parking, construction ahead... 25cent tip (whoops) that the waitress was insulted by and sent back lol. (They read the wrong total) We'll somehow pay her back, possibly tomorrow (today) if we all get there for the game.

Three legged chair.

"P" Cup. Both. hahaha Hey Jeff, just realised there were two "P" cups of the night.

Oh, the drunk guy on the road that couldn't stay in between the lines, haha, we got away from him. lol

Ketchup packets, fries, cups... salt on the upper lip + cops at Petro.

Hrm... what else...

Can't think of anymore.

This is serious...

Here's the background info:
Jeff likes Megan. That's all you need to know.

The following conversation is between Vanessa (at Sarah's) and Jeff on MSN.

[09:46:04 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: megan
[09:46:29 PM] G .U .M .B .: She has Amazing Eyes
[09:46:54 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: youthink so?
[09:49:06 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: wat else?
[09:52:47 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: well wellwat else?
[09:54:00 PM] * G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [I'm just a crosshair, I'm just
a shot away from you] is now Online
[09:54:03 PM] G .U .M .B .: Well
[09:54:25 PM] G .U .M .B .: I'm not gonna lie to you
[09:54:38 PM] G .U .M .B .: She has a awesome body
[09:55:28 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: oh yea? does she?
[09:56:06 PM] G .U .M .B .: I think so
[09:56:20 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: lol well thats good
[09:56:31 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: those are good reasons to be infatuated
with her....
[09:57:07 PM] G .U .M .B .: Don't get me wrong
[09:57:20 PM] G .U .M .B .: She is Funny, Smart and fun to be around
[09:57:44 PM] G .U .M .B .: When i'm around her i get weak in the
[09:57:59 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: do u ?
[09:58:12 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: hey jeff you know u wouldnt get ANYWHERE
with her right?
[09:59:11 PM] G .U .M .B .: Do you think i would put this much effort
because i want to fool around with her?
[09:59:48 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: no, but I'm just making sure that that
isnt important to you at all
[10:00:16 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: cuz like if anything were to happen
between you two, you would have to taekit sooo slwoy
[10:00:19 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: slowly
[10:00:34 PM] G .U .M .B .: I want a GF...
[10:00:55 PM] G .U .M .B .: I don't plan to be like...
[10:01:08 PM] G .U .M .B .: Hey Megan, wanna go out/make babies?
[10:03:19 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: i know and i know you wouldnt but I just
didnt want you to..i dunno...
[10:03:52 PM] G .U .M .B .: I'm a little offended that you even said
that to me
[10:04:30 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: really?
[10:04:44 PM] G .U .M .B .: Yes
[10:04:56 PM] G .U .M .B .: Do you think that i was chasing after
Megan to get in her pants?
[10:04:59 PM] G .U .M .B .: Fuck
[10:06:15 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: o my goodness, no that's not what I meant
at all, I'm just saying if u were with her and you amde
any kind of move i bet you she would be ofended.
[10:07:04 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: I wasn't at all trying to say that you
just wanna be with her to get some , cuz obviously thats
not the case if you've liked her for this long
[10:09:14 PM] G .U .M .B .: So you think that if she did decide to go
out with me, that i'd loose all respect for her and just
throw myself on her every moment i could?
[10:09:39 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: no, ok thats not at all wat I'm
saying....don't get mad at me I am honestly just trying
to help
[10:10:30 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: like I just didnt know if u knew how
incredibly frigid she is
[10:10:58 PM] G .U .M .B .: And we think That i am soooo forward?
[10:11:33 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: well no....I mean i wouldnt know, but I
woul assume moreso than megan
[10:13:06 PM] G .U .M .B .: I Applogize for not being able to keep my
penis in control when i'l around girls...
[10:13:27 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: jefff.....honestly dont get mad at me....
[10:13:37 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: I'm sorry this is so not wat i meant
[10:14:05 PM] G .U .M .B .: But you obausly felt the need to say
[10:14:47 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: I honeslty am just trying to help you
[10:14:58 PM] G .U .M .B .: By insulting me?
[10:15:16 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: I'm not trying to insult you at all
[10:15:44 PM] G .U .M .B .: So your just letting me know that i'm a
Horny SOB?
[10:17:12 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: no, that is not what i am saying at all,
in fact im quite certain you are not, im just saying
that even someone told normal not overly horny would be
needing to take their sweet ass time when it comes to
meg, in all respects, like as far as her even liking
you, shes not gonna jump into anything quickly,. that
was all I am trying to say
[10:18:37 PM] G .U .M .B .: hahaha
[10:18:41 PM] G .U .M .B .: Am i a good actor?
[10:18:48 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: wat??
[10:18:51 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: are u kidding...
[10:18:59 PM] G .U .M .B .: haha
[10:19:02 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: sreiously if this is a joke i am so mad, i
was feeling so bad ....
[10:19:20 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: like honestly i am here talking to sarah
aobut how im gonna be so wrried aobut this all night now
and ill be all upset tomorrow
[10:19:25 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: you bastard
[10:19:29 PM] G .U .M .B .: hahaha
[10:19:32 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: seriously
[10:19:36 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: i was feeling sooo bad
[10:19:42 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: I didnt want you to think thats wat i was
[10:19:44 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: i hate you
[10:19:48 PM] G .U .M .B .: Well at first i was serious...but then i
decided to go all extream
[10:19:57 PM] (#)Sarah(#)(: frick

Bwahaha, that's better than, "It's because I'm asian, isn't it? Fuck off."
Oh so mean, yet so funny.

Friday, June 04, 2004


Yep, friday afternoon and I'm doin' nothin'. Pretty bored but I don't want to do any work or study, if any... Had the last Calculus Unit Final today, argh. That was tough, wish I remembered to study. Hopefully it's not too bad. Got a English Part A diploma on monday, that'll be even worse. :P

Still trying to get pictures on this "blog" but the program for it still isn't fixed. Yawn... bored. It's so damned nice outside too, +25 degrees out there.

I just feel like veggin' out today...

Expect another post soon probably. Yawn.

Thursday, June 03, 2004



Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Man I am stuffed. Just got back from Vanya's bithday dinner at Joey Tomato's where I had the Linguini Chicken Alfredo or something like that. Vanya looked like she had a lot of fun *wink wink* Vanya got a blowjob (shot of Kahlua surrounded by whip cream, like a muff diver... yeah) Terence took some good photos and videos, hopefully he can host them for all to see.

In other news, I sent out my acknowledgement and acceptance to the University of Waterloo along with my residence choices by courier. Hopefully I get my choice of UW residences and Village 1. (single room)

Oh, I got to see Joyelle for the first time in a long time. Sure we were only acquaintances, but it was nice to see her again. She got accepted to ACAD and will be going in the fall.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Picture Mania

With the help of my oldest brother, Ryan, I've been able to post all the pictures I took during Graduation onto the following website:

Graduation Pictures from Eric's Camera
You can also add comments to pictures if you like. ;)

Yay! Already there have been a ton of hits. If any of you want a whole lot of them, I could probably just burn a CD.

Also, if ANY of you are reading this and know of ANYONE with a video of my speech I would be greatly appreciated. My parents weren't at the banquet and I'd love to let them see it. Please contact me in any way as soon as possible. Thanks.


Ah, just got back from Game 4 of the Stanley Cup Final, Tampa at Calgary. Damn that was fun stuff, even though we lost. It was all the refs fault giving them a two man advantage in the first 2 minutes. Those refs were terrible. They missed so many damned calls. Ah well, it's fun chanting "Fraser Sucks" and "Bulllllshit" along with twenty thousand other people.

I'm glad I got there when I did. Perfectly timed. Only waited in line for like 10 minutes and it wasn't that big. I sat in section 304, like row 5, seat 6.

I wonder what I missed in calculus...

I have a feeling my throat is going to be sore tomorrow from yelling so much.

Good times, good times.